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Fichier: /etc/hostname

Par : Michel-Andre
8 août 2023 à 14:00

Salut à tous,

Que devrait contenir le fichier /etc/hostname: le nom du serveur seulement c’est-à-dire l’alias du FQDN contenu dans /etc/hosts

Selon la page man de Debian-12 pour hostname:

/etc/hostname Historically this file was supposed to only contain the hostname and not the full canonical FQDN. Nowadays most software is able to cope with a full FQDN here. This file is read at boot time by the system initialization scripts to set the hostname.

/etc/hosts Usually, this is where one sets the domain name by aliasing the host name to the FQDN

The FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the system is the name that the resolver(3) returns for the host name, such as, ursula . example . com. It is usually the hostname followed by the DNS domain name (the part after the first dot). You can check the FQDN using hostname --fqdn or the domain name using dnsdomainname.

You cannot change the FQDN with hostname or dnsdomainname.

The recommended method of setting the FQDN is to make the hostname be an alias for the fully qualified name using /etc/hosts, DNS, or NIS. For example, if the hostname was « ursula », one might have a line in /etc/hosts which reads ursula

/etc/host ursula
# Ici l'alias du FQDN `` est `ursula`.



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