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Strong End-to-End Encryption Comes to Discord Calls

We’re happy to see that Discord will soon start offering a form of end-to-end encryption dubbed “DAVE” for its voice and video chats. This puts some of Discord’s audio and video offerings in line with Zoom, and separates it from tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams, which do not offer end-to-end encryption for video, voice, or any other communications on those apps. This is a strong step forward, and Discord can do even more to protect its users’ communications.

End-to-end encryption is used by many chat apps for both text and video offerings, including WhatsApp, iMessage, Signal, and Facebook Messenger. But Discord operates differently than most of those, since alongside private and group text, video, and audio chats, it also encompasses large scale public channels on individual servers operated by Discord. Going forward, audio and video will be end-to-end encrypted, but text, including both group channels and private messages, will not.

When a call is end-to-end encrypted, you’ll see a green lock icon. While it's not required to use the service, Discord also offers a way to optionally verify that the strong encryption a call is using is not being tampered with or eavesdropped on. During a call, one person can pull up the “Voice Privacy Code,” and send it over to everyone else on the line—preferably in a different chat app, like Signal—to confirm no one is compromising participants’ use of end-to-end encryption. This is a way to ensure someone is not impersonating someone and/or listening in to a conversation.

By default, you have to do this every time you initiate a call if you wish to verify the communication has strong security. There is an option to enable persistent verification keys, which means your chat partners only have to verify you on each device you own (e.g. if you sometimes call from a phone and sometimes from a computer, they’ll want to verify for each).

Key management is a hard problem in both the design and implementation of cryptographic protocols. Making sure the same encryption keys are shared across multiple devices in a secure way, as well as reliably discovered in a secure way by conversation partners, is no trivial task. Other apps such as Signal require some manual user interaction to ensure the sharing of key-material across multiple devices is done in a secure way. Discord has chosen to avoid this process for the sake of usability, so that even if you do choose to enable persistent verification keys, the keys on separate devices you own will be different.

While this is an understandable trade-off, we hope Discord takes an extra step to allow users who have heightened security concerns the ability to share their persistent keys across devices. For the sake of usability, they could by default generate separate keys for each device while making sharing keys across them an extra step. This will avoid the associated risk of your conversation partners seeing you’re using the same device across multiple calls. We believe making the use of persistent keys easier and cross-device will make things safer for users as well: they will only have to verify the key for their conversation partners once, instead of for every call they make.

Discord has performed the protocol design and implementation of DAVE in a solidly transparent way, including publishing the protocol whitepaper, the open-source library, commissioning an audit from well-regarded outside researchers, and expanding their bug-bounty program to include rewarding any security researchers who report a vulnerability in the DAVE protocol. This is the sort of transparency we feel is required when rolling out encryption like this, and we applaud this approach.

But we’re disappointed that, citing the need for content moderation, Discord has decided not to extend end-to-end encryption offerings to include private messages or group chats. In a statement to TechCrunch, they reiterated they have no further plans to roll out encryption in direct messages or group chats.

End-to-end encrypted video and audio chats is a good step forward—one that too many messaging apps lack. But because protection of our text conversations is important and because partial encryption is always confusing for users, Discord should move to enable end-to-end encryption on private text chats as well. This is not an easy task, but it’s one worth doing.

Surveillance Defense for Campus Protests

The recent wave of protests calling for peace in Palestine have been met with unwarranted and aggressive suppression from law enforcement, universities, and other bad actors. It’s clear that the changing role of surveillance on college campuses exacerbates the dangers faced by all of the communities colleges are meant to support, and only serves to suppress lawful speech. These harmful practices must come to an end, and until they do, activists should take precautions to protect themselves and their communities. There are no easy or universal answers, but here we outline some common considerations to help guide campus activists.

Protest Pocket Guide

How We Got Here

Over the past decade, many campuses have been building up their surveillance arsenal and inviting a greater police presence on campus. EFF and fellow privacy and speech advocates have been clear that this is a dangerous trend that chills free expression and makes students feel less safe, while fostering an adversarial and distrustful relationship with the administration.

Many tools used on campuses overlap with the street-level surveillance used by law enforcement, but universities are in a unique position of power over students being monitored. For students, universities are not just their school, but often their home, employer, healthcare provider, visa sponsor, place of worship, and much more. This reliance heightens the risks imposed by surveillance, and brings it into potentially every aspect of students’ lives.

Putting together a security plan is an essential first step to protect yourself from surveillance.

EFF has also been clear for years: as campuses build up their surveillance capabilities in the name of safety, they chill speech and foster a more adversarial relationship between students and the administration. Yet, this expansion has continued in recent years, especially after the COVID-19 lockdowns.

This came to a head in April, when groups across the U.S. pressured their universities to disclose and divest their financial interest in companies doing business in Israel and weapons manufacturers, and to distance themselves from ties to the defense industry. These protests echo similar campus divestment campaigns against the prison industry in 2015, and the campaign against apartheid South Africa in the 1980s. However, the current divestment movement has been met with disroportionate suppression and unprecedented digital surveillance from many universities.

This guide is written with those involved in protests in mind. Student journalists covering protests may also face digital threats and can refer to our previous guide to journalists covering protests.

Campus Security Planning

Putting together a security plan is an essential first step to protect yourself from surveillance. You can’t protect all information from everyone, and as a practical matter you probably wouldn’t want to. Instead, you want to identify what information is sensitive and who should and shouldn’t have access to it.

That means this plan will be very specific to your context and your own tolerance of risk from physical and psychological harm. For a more general walkthrough you can check out our Security Plan article on Surveillance Self-Defense. Here, we will walk through this process with prevalent concerns from current campus protests.

What do I want to protect?

Current university protests are a rapid and decentralized response to claims of genocide in Gaza, and to the reported humanitarian crisis in occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank. Such movements will need to focus on secure communication, immediate safety at protests, and protection from collected data being used for retaliation—either at protests themselves or on social media.

At a protest, a mix of visible and invisible surveillance may be used to identify protesters. This can include administrators or law enforcement simply attending and keeping notes of what is said, but often digital recordings can make that same approach less plainly visible. This doesn't just include video and audio recordings—protesters may also be subject to tracking methods like face recognition technology and location tracking from their phone, school ID usage, or other sensors. So here, you want to be mindful of anything you say or anything on your person, which can reveal your identity or role in the protest, or those of fellow protestors.

This may also be paired with online surveillance. The university or police may monitor activity on social media, even joining private or closed groups to gather information. Of course, any services hosted by the university, such as email or WiFi networks, can also be monitored for activity. Again, taking care of what information is shared with whom is essential, including carefully separating public information (like the time of a rally) and private information (like your location when attending). Also keep in mind how what you say publicly, even in a moment of frustration, may be used to draw negative attention to yourself and undermine the cause.

However, many people may strategically use their position and identity publicly to lend credibility to a movement, such as a prominent author or alumnus. In doing so they should be mindful of those around them in more vulnerable positions.

Who do I want to protect it from?

Divestment challenges the financial underpinning of many institutions in higher education. The most immediate adversaries are clear: the university being pressured and the institutions being targeted for divestment.

However, many schools are escalating by inviting police on campus, sometimes as support for their existing campus police, making them yet another potential adversary. Pro-Palestine protests have drawn attention from some federal agencies, meaning law enforcement will inevitably be a potential surveillance adversary even when not invited by universities.

With any sensitive political issue, there are also people who will oppose your position. Others at the protest can escalate threats to safety, or try to intimidate and discredit those they disagree with. Private actors, whether individuals or groups, can weaponize surveillance tools available to consumers online or at a protest, even if it is as simple as video recording and doxxing attendees.

How bad are the consequences if I fail?

Failing to protect information can have a range of consequences that will depend on the institution and local law enforcement’s response. Some schools defused campus protests by agreeing to enter talks with protesters. Others opted to escalate tensions by having police dismantle encampments and having participants suspended, expelled, or arrested. Such disproportionate disciplinary actions put students at risk in myriad ways, depending how they relied on the institution. The extent to which institutions will attempt to chill speech with surveillance will vary, but unlike direct physical disruption, surveillance tools may be used with less hesitation.

The safest bet is to lock your devices with a pin or password, turn off biometric unlocks such as face or fingerprint, and say nothing but to assert your rights.

All interactions with law enforcement carry some risk, and will differ based on your identity and history of police interactions. This risk can be mitigated by knowing your rights and limiting your communication with police unless in the presence of an attorney. 

How likely is it that I will need to protect it?

Disproportionate disciplinary actions will often coincide with and be preceded by some form of surveillance. Even schools that are more accommodating of peace protests may engage in some level of monitoring, particularly schools that have already adopted surveillance tech. School devices, services, and networks are also easy targets, so try to use alternatives to these when possible. Stick to using personal devices and not university-administered ones for sensitive information, and adopt tools to limit monitoring, like Tor. Even banal systems like campus ID cards, presence monitors, class attendance monitoring, and wifi access points can create a record of student locations or tip off schools to people congregating. Online surveillance is also easy to implement by simply joining groups on social media, or even adopting commercial social media monitoring tools.

Schools that invite a police presence make their students and workers subject to the current practices of local law enforcement. Our resource, the Atlas of Surveillance, gives an idea of what technology local law enforcement is capable of using, and our Street-Level Surveillance hub breaks down the capabilities of each device. But other factors, like how well-resourced local law enforcement is, will determine the scale of the response. For example, if local law enforcement already have social media monitoring programs, they may use them on protesters at the request of the university.

Bad actors not directly affiliated with the university or law enforcement may be the most difficult factor to anticipate. These threats can arise from people who are physically present, such as onlookers or counter-protesters, and individuals who are offsite. Information about protesters can be turned against them for purposes of surveillance, harassment, or doxxing. Taking measures found in this guide will also be useful to protect yourself from this potentiality.

Finally, don’t confuse your rights with your safety. Even if you are in a context where assembly is legal and surveillance and suppression is not, be prepared for it to happen anyway. Legal protections are retrospective, so for your own safety, be prepared for adversaries willing to overstep these protections.

How much trouble am I willing to go through to try to prevent potential consequences?

There is no perfect answer to this question, and every individual protester has their own risks and considerations. In setting this boundary, it is important to communicate it with others and find workable solutions that meet people where they’re at. Being open and judgment-free in these discussions make the movement being built more consensual and less prone to abuses.  Centering consent in organizing can also help weed out bad actors in your own camp who will raise the risk for all who participate, deliberately or not.

Keep in mind that nearly any electronic device you own can be used to track you, but there are a few steps you can take to make that data collection more difficult. 

Sometimes a surveillance self-defense tactic will invite new threats. Some universities and governments have been so eager to get images of protesters’ faces they have threatened criminal penalties on people wearing masks at gatherings. These new potential charges must now need to be weighed against the potential harms of face recognition technology, doxxing, and retribution someone may face by exposing their face.

Privacy is also a team sport. Investing a lot of energy in only your own personal surveillance defense may have diminishing returns, but making an effort to educate peers and adjust the norms of the movement puts less work on any one person has a potentially greater impact. Sharing resources in this post and the surveillance self-defense guides, and hosting your own workshops with the security education companion, are good first steps.

Who are my allies?

Cast a wide net of support; many members of faculty and staff may be able to provide forms of support to students, like institutional knowledge about school policies. Many school alumni are also invested in the reputation of their alma mater, and can bring outside knowledge and resources.

A number of non-profit organizations can also support protesters who face risks on campus. For example, many campus bail funds have been set up to support arrested protesters. The National Lawyers Guild has chapters across the U.S. that can offer Know Your Rights training and provide and train people to become legal observers (people who document a protest so that there is a clear legal record of civil liberties’ infringements should protesters face prosecution).

Many local solidarity groups may also be able to help provide trainings, street medics, and jail support. Many groups in EFF’s grassroots network, the Electronic Frontier Alliance, also offer free digital rights training and consultations.

Finally, EFF can help victims of surveillance directly when they email or Signal 510-243-8020. Even when EFF cannot take on your case, we have a wide network of attorneys and cybersecurity researchers who can offer support.

Beyond preparing according to your security plan, preparing plans with networks of support outside of the protest is a good idea.

Tips and Resources

Keep in mind that nearly any electronic device you own can be used to track you, but there are a few steps you can take to make that data collection more difficult. To prevent tracking, your best option is to leave all your devices at home, but that’s not always possible, and makes communication and planning much more difficult. So, it’s useful to get an idea of what sorts of surveillance is feasible, and what you can do to prevent it. This is meant as a starting point, not a comprehensive summary of everything you may need to do or know:

Prepare yourself and your devices for protests

Our guide for attending a protest covers the basics for protecting your smartphone and laptop, as well as providing guidance on how to communicate and share information responsibly. We have a handy printable version available here, too, that makes it easy to share with others.

Beyond preparing according to your security plan, preparing plans with networks of support outside of the protest is a good idea. Tell friends or family when you plan to attend and leave, so that if there are arrests or harassment they can follow up to make sure you are safe. If there may be arrests, make sure to have the phone number of an attorney and possibly coordinate with a jail support group.

Protect your online accounts

Doxxing, when someone exposes information about you, is a tactic reportedly being used on some protesters. This information is often found in public places, like "people search" sites and social media. Being doxxed can be overwhelming and difficult to control in the moment, but you can take some steps to manage it or at least prepare yourself for what information is available. To get started, check out this guide that the New York Times created to train its journalists how to dox themselves, and Pen America's Online Harassment Field Manual


Being deliberate about how and where information is shared can limit the impact of any one breach of privacy. Online, this might look like using different accounts for different purposes or preferring smaller Signal chats, and offline it might mean being deliberate about with whom information is shared, and bringing “clean” devices (without sensitive information) to protests.

Be mindful of potential student surveillance tools 

It’s difficult to track what tools each campus is using to track protesters, but it’s possible that colleges are using the same tricks they’ve used for monitoring students in the past alongside surveillance tools often used by campus police. One good rule of thumb: if a device, software, or an online account was provided by the school (like an .edu email address or test-taking monitoring software), then the school may be able to access what you do on it. Likewise, remember that if you use a corporate or university-controlled tool without end-to-end encryption for communication or collaboration, like online documents or email, content may be shared by the corporation or university with law enforcement when compelled with a warrant. 

Know your rights if you’re arrested: 

Thousands of students, staff, faculty, and community members have been arrested, but it’s important to remember that the vast majority of the people who have participated in street and campus demonstrations have not been arrested nor taken into custody. Nevertheless, be careful and know what to do if you’re arrested.

The safest bet is to lock your devices with a pin or password, turn off biometric unlocks such as face or fingerprint, and say nothing but to assert your rights, for example, refusing consent to a search of your devices, bags, vehicles, or home. Law enforcement can lie and pressure arrestees into saying things that are later used against them, so waiting until you have a lawyer before speaking is always the right call.

Barring a warrant, law enforcement cannot compel you to unlock your devices or answer questions, beyond basic identification in some jurisdictions. Law enforcement may not respect your rights when they’re taking you into custody, but your lawyer and the courts can protect your rights later, especially if you assert them during the arrest and any time in custody.

A Wider View on TunnelVision and VPN Advice

If you listen to any podcast long enough, you will almost certainly hear an advertisement for a Virtual Private Network (VPN). These advertisements usually assert that a VPN is the only tool you need to stop cyber criminals, malware, government surveillance, and online tracking. But these advertisements vastly oversell the benefits of VPNs. The reality is that VPNs are mainly useful for one thing: routing your network connection through a different network. Many people, including EFF, thought that VPNs were also a useful tool for encrypting your traffic in the scenario that you didn’t trust the network you were on, such as at a coffee shop, university, or hacker conference. But new research from Leviathan Security demonstrates a reminder that this may not be the case and highlights the limited use-cases for VPNs.

TunnelVision is a recently published attack method that can allow an attacker on a local network to force internet traffic to bypass your VPN and route traffic over an attacker-controlled channel instead. This allows the attacker to see any unencrypted traffic (such as what websites you are visiting). Traditionally, corporations deploy VPNs for employees to access private company sites from other networks. Today, many people use a VPN in situations where they don't trust their local network. But the TunnelVision exploit makes it clear that using an untrusted network is not always an appropriate threat model for VPNs because they will not always protect you if you can't trust your local network.

TunnelVision exploits the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) to reroute traffic outside of a VPN connection. This preserves the VPN connection and does not break it, but an attacker is able to view unencrypted traffic. Think of DHCP as giving you a nametag when you enter the room at a networking event. The host knows at least 50 guests will be in attendance and has allocated 50 blank nametags. Some nametags may be reserved for VIP guests, but the rest can be allocated to guests if you properly RSVP to the event. When you arrive, they check your name and then assign you a nametag. You may now properly enter the room and be identified as "Agent Smith." In the case of computers, this “name” is the IP address DHCP assigns to devices on the network. This is normally done by a DHCP server but one could manually try it by way of clothespins in a server room.

TunnelVision abuses one of the configuration options in DHCP, called Option 121, where an attacker on the network can assign a “lease” of IPs to a targeted device. There have been attacks in the past like TunnelCrack that had similar attack methods, and chances are if a VPN provider addressed TunnelCrack, they are working on verifying mitigations for TunnelVision as well.

In the words of the security researchers who published this attack method:

“There’s a big difference between protecting your data in transit and protecting against all LAN attacks. VPNs were not designed to mitigate LAN attacks on the physical network and to promise otherwise is dangerous.”

Rather than lament the many ways public, untrusted networks can render someone vulnerable, there are many protections provided by default that can assist as well. Originally, the internet was not built with security in mind. Many have been working hard to rectify this. Today, we have other many other tools in our toolbox to deal with these problems. For example, web traffic is mostly encrypted with HTTPS. This does not change your IP address like a VPN could, but it still encrypts the contents of the web pages you visit and secures your connection to a website. Domain Name Servers (which occur before HTTPS in the network stack) have also been a vector for surveillance and abuse, since the requested domain of the website is still exposed at this level. There have been wide efforts to secure and encrypt this as well. Availability for encrypted DNS and HTTPS by default now exists in every major browser, closing possible attack vectors for snoops on the same network as you. Lastly, major browsers have implemented support for Encrypted Client Hello (ECH). Which encrypts your initial website connection, sealing off metadata that was originally left in cleartext.

TunnelVision is a reminder that we need to clarify what tools can and cannot do. A VPN does not provide anonymity online and neither can encrypted DNS or HTTPS (Tor can though). These are all separate tools that handle similar issues. Thankfully, HTTPS, encrypted DNS, and encrypted messengers are completely free and usable without a subscription service and can provide you basic protections on an untrusted network. VPNs—at least from providers who've worked to mitigate TunnelVision—remain useful for routing your network connection through a different network, but they should not be treated as a security multi-tool.

Four Infosec Tools for Resistance this International Women’s Day 

While online violence is alarmingly common globally, women are often more likely to be the target of mass online attacks, nonconsensual leaks of sensitive information and content, and other forms of online violence. 

This International Women’s Day, visit EFF’s Surveillance Self-Defense (SSD) to learn how to defend yourself and your friends from surveillance. In addition to tutorials for installing and using security-friendly software, SSD walks you through concepts like making a security plan, the importance of strong passwords, and protecting metadata.

1. Make Your Own Security Plan

This IWD, learn what a security plan looks like and how you can build one. Trying to protect your online data—like pictures, private messages, or documents—from everything all the time is impractical and exhausting. But, have no fear! Security is a process, and through thoughtful planning, you can put together a plan that’s best for you. Security isn’t just about the tools you use or the software you download. It begins with understanding the unique threats you face and how you can counter those threats. 

2. Protect Yourself on Social Networks

Depending on your circumstances, you may need to protect yourself against the social network itself, against other users of the site, or both. Social networks are among the most popular websites on the internet. Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram each have over a billion users. Social networks were generally built on the idea of sharing posts, photographs, and personal information. They have also become forums for organizing and speaking. Any of these activities can rely on privacy and pseudonymity. Visit our SSD guide to learn how to protect yourself.

3. Tips for Attending Protests

Keep yourself, your devices, and your community safe while you make your voice heard. Now, more than ever, people must be able to hold those in power accountable and inspire others through the act of protest. Protecting your electronic devices and digital assets before, during, and after a protest is vital to keeping yourself and your information safe, as well as getting your message out. Theft, damage, confiscation, or forced deletion of media can disrupt your ability to publish your experiences, and those engaging in protest may be subject to search or arrest, or have their movements and associations surveilled. 

4. Communicate Securely with Signal or WhatsApp

Everything you say in a chat app should be private, viewable by only you and the person you're talking with. But that's not how all chats or DMs work. Most of those communication tools aren't end-to-end encrypted, and that means that the company who runs that software could view your chats, or hand over transcripts to law enforcement. That's why it's best to use a chat app like Signal any time you can. Signal uses end-to-end encryption, which means that nobody, not even Signal, can see the contents of your chats. Of course, you can't necessarily force everyone you know to use the communication tool of your choice, but thankfully other popular tools, like Apple's Messages, WhatsApp and more recently, Facebook's Messenger, all use end-to-end encryption too, as long as you're communicating with others on those same platforms. The more people who use these tools, even for innocuous conversations, the better.

On International Women’s Day and every day, stay safe out there! Surveillance self-defense can help.

This blog is part of our International Women’s Day series. Read other articles about the fight for gender justice and equitable digital rights for all.

  1. Four Reasons to Protect the Internet this International Women’s Day
  2. Four Voices You Should Hear this International Women’s Day
  3. Four Actions You Can Take To Protect Digital Rights this International Women’s Day

Celebrating 15 Years of Surveillance Self-Defense

On March 3rd, 2009, we launched Surveillance Self-Defense (SSD). At the time, we pitched it as, "an online how-to guide for protecting your private data against government spying." In the last decade hundreds of people have contributed to SSD, over 20 million people have read it, and the content has nearly doubled in length from 40,000 words to almost 80,000. SSD has served as inspiration for many other guides focused on keeping specific populations safe, and those guides have in turn affected how we've approached SSD. A lot has changed in the world over the last 15 years, and SSD has changed with it. 

The Year Is 2009

Let's take a minute to travel back in time to the initial announcement of SSD. Launched with the support of the Open Society Institute, and written entirely by just a few people, we detailed exactly what our intentions were with SSD at the start:

EFF created the Surveillance Self-Defense site to educate Americans about the law and technology of communications surveillance and computer searches and seizures, and to provide the information and tools necessary to keep their private data out of the government's hands… The Surveillance Self-Defense project offers citizens a legal and technical toolkit with tips on how to defend themselves in case the government attempts to search, seize, subpoena or spy on their most private data.

screenshot of SSD in 2009, with a red logo and a block of text

SSD's design when it first launched in 2009.

To put this further into context, it's worth looking at where we were in 2009. Avatar was the top grossing movie of the year. Barack Obama was in his first term as president in the U.S. In a then-novel approach, Iranians turned to Twitter to organize protests. The NSA has a long history of spying on Americans, but we hadn't gotten to Jewel v. NSA or the Snowden revelations yet. And while the iPhone had been around for two years, it hadn't seen its first big privacy controversy yet (that would come in December of that year, but it'd be another year still before we hit the "your apps are watching you" stage).

Most importantly, in 2009 it was more complicated to keep your data secure than it is today. HTTPS wasn't common, using Tor required more technical know-how than it does nowadays, encrypted IMs were the fastest way to communicate securely, and full-disk encryption wasn't a common feature on smartphones. Even for computers, disk encryption required special software and knowledge to implement (not to mention time, solid state drives were still extremely expensive in 2009, so most people still had spinning disk hard drives, which took ages to encrypt and usually slowed down your computer significantly).

And thus, SSD in 2009 focused heavily on law enforcement and government access with its advice. Not long after the launch in 2009, in the midst of the Iranian uprising, we launched the international version, which focused on the concerns of individuals struggling to preserve their right to free expression in authoritarian regimes.

And that's where SSD stood, mostly as-is, for about six years. 

The Redesigns

In 2014, we redesigned and relaunched SSD with support from the Ford Foundation. The relaunch had at least 80 people involved in the writing, reviewing, design, and translation process. With the relaunch, there was also a shift in the mission as the threats expanded from just the government, to corporate and personal risks as well. From the press release:

"Everyone has something to protect, whether it's from the government or stalkers or data-miners," said EFF International Director Danny O'Brien. "Surveillance Self-Defense will help you think through your personal risk factors and concerns—is it an authoritarian government you need to worry about, or an ex-spouse, or your employer?—and guide you to appropriate tools and practices based on your specific situation."

SSD screenshot from 2014, with a logo with two keys, crossed and a block of text

2014 proved to be an effective year for a major update. After the murders of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, protestors hit the streets across the U.S., which made our protest guide particularly useful. There were also major security vulnerabilities that year, like Heartbleed, which caused all sorts of security issues for website operators and their visitors, and Shellshock, which opened up everything from servers to cameras to bug exploits, ushering in what felt like an endless stream of software updates on everything with a computer chip in it. And of course, there was still fallout from the Snowden leaks in 2013.

In 2018 we did another redesign, and added a new logo for SSD that came along with EFF's new design. This is more or less the same design of the site today.

SSD's current design, with an infinity logo wrapped around a lock and key

SSD's current design, which further clarifies what sections a guide is in, and expands the security scenarios.

Perhaps the most notable difference between this iteration of SSD and the years before is the lack of detailed reasoning explaining the need for its existence on the front page. No longer was it necessary to explain why we all need to practice surveillance self-defense. Online surveillance had gone mainstream.

Shifting Language Over the Years

As the years passed and the site was redesigned, we also shifted how we talked about security. In 2009 we wrote about security with terms like, "adversaries," "defensive technology," "threat models," and "assets." These were all common cybersecurity terms at the time, but made security sound like a military exercise, which often disenfranchised the very people who needed help. For example, in the later part of the 2010s, we reworked the idea of "threat modeling," when we published Your Security Plan. This was meant to be less intimidating and more inclusive of the various types of risks that people face.

The advice in SSD has changed over the years, too. Take passwords as an example, where in 2009 we said, "Although we recommend memorizing your passwords, we recognize you probably won't." First off, rude! Second off, maybe that could fly with the lower number of accounts we all had back in 2009, but nowadays nobody is going to remember hundreds of passwords. And regardless, that seems pretty dang impossible when paired with the final bit of advice, "You should change passwords every week, every month, or every year — it all depends on the threat, the risk, and the value of the asset, traded against usability and convenience."

Moving onto 2015, we phrased this same sentiment much differently, "Reusing passwords is an exceptionally bad security practice, because if an attacker gets hold of one password, she will often try using that password on various accounts belonging to the same person… Avoiding password reuse is a valuable security precaution, but you won't be able to remember all your passwords if each one is different. Fortunately, there are software tools to help with this—a password manager."

Well, that's much more polite!

Since then, we've toned that down even more, "Reusing passwords is a dangerous security practice. If someone gets ahold of your password —whether that's from a data breach, or wherever else—they can often gain access to any other account you used that same password. The solution is to use unique passwords everywhere and take additional steps to secure your accounts when possible."

Security is an always evolving process, so too is how we talk about it. But the more people we bring on board, the better it is for everyone. How we talk about surveillance self-defense will assuredly continue to adapt in the future.

Shifting Language(s) Over the Years

Initially in 2009, SSD was only available in English, and soon after launch, in Bulgarian. In the 2014 re-launch, we added Arabic and Spanish. Then added French, Thai, Vietnamese, and Urdu in 2015. Later that year, we added a handful of Amharic translations, too. This was accomplished through a web of people in dozens of countries who volunteered to translate and review everything. Many of these translations were done for highly specific reasons. For example, we had a Google Policy Fellow, Endalk Chala, who was part of the Zone 9 bloggers in Ethiopia. He translated everything into Amharic as he was fighting for his colleagues and friends who were imprisoned in Ethiopia on terrorism charges.

By 2019, we were translating most of SSD into at least 10 languages: Amharic, Arabic, Spanish, French, Russian, Turkish, Vietnamese, Brazilian Portuguese, Thai, and Urdu (as well as additional, externally-hosted community translations in Indonesian Bahasa, Burmese, Traditional Chinese, Igbo, Khmer, Swahili, Yoruba, and Twi).

Currently, we're focusing on getting the entirety of SSD re-translated into seven languages, then focusing our efforts on translating specific guides into other languages. 

Always Updating

Since 2009, we've done our best to review and update the guides in SSD. This has included minor changes to respond to news events, depreciating guides completely when they're no longer applicable in modern security plans, and massive rewrites when technology has changed.

The original version of SSD was launched mostly as a static text (we even offered a printer-friendly version), though updates and revisions did occur, they were not publicly tracked as clearly as they are today. In its early years, SSD was able to provide useful guidance across a number of important events, like Occupy Wall Street, before the major site redesign in 2014, which helped it become more useful training activists, including for Ferguson and Standing Rock, amongst others. The ability to update SSD along with changing trends and needs has ensured it can always be useful as a resource.

That redesign also better facilitated the updates process. The site became easier to navigate and use, and easier to update. For example, in 2017 we took on a round of guide audits in response to concerns following the 2016 election. In 2019 we continued that process with around seven major updates to SSD, and in 2020, we did five. We don't have great stats for 2021 and 2022, but in 2023 we managed 14 major updates or new guides. We're hoping to have the majority of SSD reviewed and revamped by the end of this year, with a handful of expansions along the way.

Which brings us to the future of SSD. We will continue updating, adapting, and adding to SSD in the coming years. It is often impossible to know what will be needed, but rest assured we'll be there to answer that whenever we can. As mentioned above, this includes getting more translations underway, and continuing to ensure that everything is accurate and up-to-date so SSD can remain one of the best repositories of security information available online.

We hope you’ll join EFF in celebrating 15 years of SSD!

Privacy Isn't Dead. Far From It.


The fact that you’re reading this means that you probably care deeply about the issue of privacy, which warms our hearts. Unfortunately, even though you care about privacy, or perhaps because you care so much about it, you may feel that there's not much you (or anyone) can really do to protect it, no matter how hard you try. Perhaps you think “privacy is dead.” 

We’ve all probably felt a little bit like you do at one time or another. At its worst, this feeling might be described as despair. Maybe it hits you because a new privacy law seems to be too little, too late. Or maybe you felt a kind of vertigo after reading a news story about a data breach or a company that was vacuuming up private data willy-nilly without consent. 

People are angry because they care about privacy, not because privacy is dead.

Even if you don’t have this feeling now, at some point you may have felt—or possibly will feel—that we’re past the point of no return when it comes to protecting our private lives from digital snooping. There are so many dangers out there—invasive governments, doorbell cameras, license plate readers, greedy data brokers, mismanaged companies that haven’t installed any security updates in a decade. The list goes on.

This feeling is sometimes called “privacy nihilism.” Those of us who care the most about privacy are probably more likely to get it, because we know how tough the fight is. 

We could go on about this feeling, because sometimes we at EFF have it, too. But the important thing to get across is that this feeling is valid, but it’s also not accurate. Here’s why.

You Aren’t Fighting for Privacy Alone

For starters, remember that none of us are fighting alone. EFF is one of dozens, if not hundreds,  of organizations that work to protect privacy.  EFF alone has over thirty-thousand dues-paying members who support that fight—not to mention hundreds of thousands of supporters subscribed to our email lists and social media feeds. Millions of people read EFF’s website each year, and tens of millions use the tools we’ve made, like Privacy Badger. Privacy is one of EFF’s biggest concerns, and as an organization we have grown by leaps and bounds over the last two decades because more and more people care. Some people say that Americans have given up on privacy. But if you look at actual facts—not just EFF membership, but survey results and votes cast on ballot initiatives—Americans overwhelmingly support new privacy protections. In general, the country has grown more concerned about how the government uses our data, and a large majority of people say that we need more data privacy protections. 

People are angry because they care about privacy, not because privacy is dead.

Some people also say that kids these days don’t care about their privacy, but the ones that we’ve met think about privacy a lot. What’s more, they are fighting as hard as anyone to stop privacy-invasive bills like the Kids Online Safety Act. In our experience, the next generation cares intensely about protecting privacy, and they’re likely to have even more tools to do so. 

Laws are Making Their Way Around the World

Strong privacy laws don’t cover every American—yet. But take a look at just one example to see how things are improving: the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA). The CCPA isn’t perfect, but it did make a difference. The CCPA granted Californians a few basic rights when it comes to their relationship with businesses, like the right to know what information companies have about you, the right to delete that information, and the right to tell companies not to sell your information. 

This wasn’t a perfect law for a few reasons. Under the CCPA, consumers have to go company-by-company to opt out in order to protect their data. At EFF, we’d like to see privacy and protection as the default until consumers opt-in. Also, CCPA doesn’t allow individuals to sue if their data is mismanaged—only California’s Attorney General and the California Privacy Protection Agency can do it. And of course, the law only covers Californians. 

Remember that it takes time to change the system.

But this imperfect law is slowly getting better. Just this year California’s legislature passed the DELETE Act, which resolves one of those issues. The California Privacy Protection Agency now must create a deletion mechanism for data brokers that allows people to make their requests to every data broker with a single, verifiable consumer request. 

Pick a privacy-related topic, and chances are good that model bills are being introduced, or already exist as laws in some places, even if they don’t exist everywhere. The Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act, for example, passed back in 2008, protects people from nonconsensual use of their biometrics for face recognition. We may not have comprehensive privacy laws yet in the US, but other parts of the world—like Europe—have more impactful, if imperfect, laws. We can have a nationwide comprehensive consumer data privacy law, and once those laws are on the books, they can be improved.  

We Know We’re Playing the Long Game

Remember that it takes time to change the system. Today we take many protections for granted, and often assume that things are only getting worse, not better. But many important rights are relatively new. For example, our Constitution didn’t always require police to get a warrant before wiretapping our phones. It took the Supreme Court four decades to get this right. (They were wrong in 1928 in Olmstead, then right in 1967 in Katz.)

Similarly, creating privacy protections in law and in technology is not a sprint. It is a marathon. The fight is long, and we know that. Below, we’ve got examples of the progress that we’ve already made, in law and elsewhere. 

Just because we don’t have some protective laws today doesn’t mean we can’t have them tomorrow. 

Privacy Protections Have Actually Increased Over the Years

The World Wide Web is Now Encrypted 

When the World Wide Web was created, most websites were unencrypted. Privacy laws aren’t the only way to create privacy protections, as the now nearly-entirely encrypted web shows:  another approach is to engineer in strong privacy protections from the start. 

The web has now largely switched from non-secure HTTP to the more secure HTTPS protocol. Before this happened, most web browsing was vulnerable to eavesdropping and content hijacking. HTTPS fixes most of these problems. That's why EFF, and many like-minded supporters, pushed for web sites to adopt HTTPS by default. As of 2021, about 90% of all web page visits use HTTPS. This switch happened in under a decade. This is a big win for encryption and security for everyone, and EFF's Certbot and HTTPS Everywhere are tools that made it happen, by offering an easy and free way to switch an existing HTTP site to HTTPS. (With a lot of help from Let’s Encrypt, started in 2013 by a group of determined researchers and technologists from EFF and the University of Michigan.) Today, it’s the default to implement HTTPS. 

Cell Phone Location Data Now Requires a Warrant

In 2018, the Supreme Court handed down a landmark opinion in Carpenter v. United States, ruling 5-4 that the Fourth Amendment protects cell phone location information. As a result, police must now get a warrant before obtaining this data. 

But where else this ruling applies is still being worked out. Perhaps the most significant part of the ruling is its explicit recognition that individuals can maintain an expectation of privacy in information that they provide to third parties. The Court termed that a “rare” case, but it’s clear that other invasive surveillance technologies, particularly those that can track individuals through physical space, are now ripe for challenge. Expect to see much more litigation on this subject from EFF and our friends.

Americans’ Outrage At Unconstitutional Mass Surveillance Made A Difference

In 2013, government contractor Edward Snowden shared evidence confirming, among other things, that the United States government had been conducting mass surveillance on a global scale, including surveillance of its own citizens’ telephone and internet use. Ten years later, there is definitely more work to be done regarding mass surveillance. But some things are undoubtedly better: some of the National Security Agency’s most egregiously illegal programs and authorities have shuttered or been forced to end. The Intelligence Community has started affirmatively releasing at least some important information, although EFF and others have still had to fight some long Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) battles.

Privacy Options Are So Much Better Today

Remember PGP and GPG? If you do, you know that generally, there are much easier ways to send end-to-end encrypted communications today than there used to be. It’s fantastic that people worked so hard to protect their privacy in the past, and it’s fantastic that they don’t have to work as hard now! (If you aren’t familiar with PGP or GPG, just trust us on this one.) 

Don’t give in to privacy nihilism. Instead, share and celebrate the ways we’re winning. 

Advice for protecting online privacy used to require epic how-to guides for complex tools; now, advice is usually just about what relatively simple tools or settings to use. People across the world have Signal and WhatsApp. The web is encrypted, and the Tor Browser lets people visit websites anonymously fairly easily. Password managers protect your passwords and your accounts; third-party cookie blockers like EFF’s Privacy Badger stop third-party tracking. There are even options now to turn off your Ad ID—the key that enables most third-party tracking on mobile devices—right on your phone. These tools and settings all push the needle forward.

We Are Winning The Privacy War, Not Losing It

Sometimes people respond to privacy dangers by comparing them to sci-fi dystopias. But be honest: most science fiction dystopias still scare the heck out of us because they are much, much more invasive of privacy than the world we live in. 

In an essay called “Stop Saying Privacy Is Dead,” Evan Selinger makes a necessary point: “As long as you have some meaningful say over when you are watched and can exert agency over how your data is processed, you will have some modicum of privacy.” 

Of course we want more than a modicum of privacy. But the point here is that many of us generally do get to make decisions about our privacy. Not all—of course. But we all recognize that there are different levels of privacy in different places, and that privacy protections aren’t equally good or bad no matter where we go. We have places we can go—online and off—that afford us more protections than others. And because of this, most of the people reading this still have deep private lives, and can choose, with varying amounts of effort, not to allow corporate or government surveillance into those lives. 

Worrying about every potential threat, and trying to protect yourself from each of them, all of the time, is a recipe for failure.

Privacy is a process, not a single thing. We are always negotiating what levels of privacy we have. We might not always have the upper hand, but we are often able to negotiate. This is why we still see some fictional dystopias and think, “Thank God that’s not my life.” As long as we can do this, we are winning. 

“Giving Up” On Privacy May Not Mean Much to You, But It Does to Many

Shrugging about the dangers of surveillance can seem reasonable when that surveillance isn’t very impactful on our lives. But for many, fighting for privacy isn't a choice, it is a means to survive. Privacy inequity is real; increasingly, money buys additional privacy protections. And if privacy is available for some, then it can exist for all. But we should not accept that some people will have privacy and others will not. This is why digital privacy legislation is digital rights legislation, and why EFF is opposed to data dividends and pay-for-privacy schemes.

Privacy increases for all of us when it increases for each of us. It is much easier for a repressive government to ban end-to-end encrypted messengers when only journalists and activists use them. It is easier to know who is an activist or a journalist when they are the only ones using privacy-protecting services or methods. As the number of people demanding privacy increases, the safer we all are. Sacrificing others because you don't feel the impact of surveillance is a fool's bargain. 

Time Heals Most Privacy Wounds

You may want to tell yourself: companies already know everything about me, so a privacy law a year from now won't help. That's incorrect, because companies are always searching for new data. Some pieces of information will never change, like our biometrics. But chances are you've changed in many ways over the years—whether that's as big as a major life event or as small as a change in your tastes in movies—but who you are today is not necessarily you'll be tomorrow.

As the source of that data, we should have more control over where it goes, and we’re slowly getting it. But that expiration date means that even if some of our information is already out there, it’s never going to be too late to shut off the faucet. So if we pass a privacy law next year, it’s not the case that every bit of information about you has already leaked, so it won’t do any good. It will.

What To Do When You Feel Like It’s Impossible

It can feel overwhelming to care about something that feels like it’s dying a death of a thousand cuts. But worrying about every potential threat, and trying to protect yourself from each of them, all of the time, is a recipe for failure. No one really needs to be vigilant about every threat at all times. That’s why our recommendation is to create a personalized security plan, rather than throwing your hands up or cowering in a corner. 

Once you’ve figured out what threats you should worry about, our advice is to stay involved. We are all occasionally skeptical that we can succeed, but taking action is a great way to get rid of that gnawing feeling that there’s nothing to be done. EFF regularly launches new projects that we hope will help you fight privacy nihilism. We’re in court many times a year fighting privacy violations. We create ways for like-minded, privacy-focused people to work together in their local advocacy groups, through the Electronic Frontier Alliance, our grassroots network of community and campus organizations fighting for digital rights. We even help you teach others to protect their own privacy. And of course every day is a good day for you to join us in telling government officials and companies that privacy matters. 

We know we can win because we’re creating the better future that we want to see every day, and it’s working. But we’re also building the plane while we’re flying it. Just as the death of privacy is not inevitable, neither is our success. It takes real work, and we hope you’ll help us do that work by joining us. Take action. Tell a friend. Download Privacy Badger. Become an EFF member. Gift an EFF membership to someone else.

Don’t give in to privacy nihilism. Instead, share and celebrate the ways we’re winning. 

Privacy Badger Puts You in Control of Widgets

The latest version of Privacy Badger 1 replaces embedded tweets with click-to-activate placeholders. This is part of Privacy Badger's widget replacement feature, where certain potentially useful widgets are blocked and then replaced with placeholders. This protects privacy by default while letting you restore the original widget whenever you want it or need it for the page to function.

Websites often include external elements such as social media buttons, comments sections, and video players. Although potentially useful, these “widgets” often track your behavior. The tracking happens regardless of whether you click on the widget. If you see a widget, the widget sees you back.

This is where Privacy Badger's widget replacement comes in. When blocking certain social buttons and other potentially useful widgets, Privacy Badger replaces them with click-to-activate placeholders. You will not be tracked by these replacements unless you explicitly choose to activate them.

A screenshot of Privacy Badger’s widget placeholder. The text inside the placeholder states that “Privacy Badger has replaced this X (Twitter) widget”. The words “this X (Twitter) widget” are a link. There are two buttons inside the placeholder, “Allow once” and “Always allow on this site.”

Privacy Badger’s placeholders tell you exactly what happened while putting you in control.

Changing the UI of a website is a bold move for a browser extension to do. That’s what Privacy Badger is all about though: making strong choices on behalf of user privacy and revealing how that privacy is betrayed by businesses online.

Privacy Badger isn’t the first software to replace embedded widgets with placeholders for privacy or security purposes. As early as 2004, users could install Flashblock, an extension that replaced embedded Adobe Flash plugin content, a notoriously insecure technology.

A screenshot of Flashblock’s Flash plugin placeholder.

Flashblock’s Flash plugin placeholders lacked user-friendly buttons but got the (Flash blocking) job done.

Other extensions and eventually, even browsers, followed Flashblock in offering similar plugin-blocking placeholders. The need to do this declined as plugin use dropped over time, but a new concern rose to prominence. Privacy was under attack as social media buttons started spreading everywhere.

This brings us to ShareMeNot. Developed in 2012 as a research tool to investigate how browser extensions might enforce privacy on behest of the user, ShareMeNot replaced social media “share” buttons with click-to-activate placeholders. In 2014, ShareMeNot became a part of Privacy Badger. While the emphasis has shifted away from social media buttons to interactive widgets like video players and comments sections, Privacy Badger continues to carry on ShareMeNot's legacy.

Unfortunately, widget replacement is not perfect. The placeholder’s buttons may not work sometimes, or the placeholder may appear in the wrong place or may fail to appear at all. We will keep fixing and improving widget replacement. You can help by letting us know when something isn’t working right.

A screenshot of Privacy Badger’s popup. Privacy Badger’s browser toolbar icon as well as the “Report broken site” button are highlighted.

To report problems, first click on Privacy Badger’s icon in your browser toolbar. Privacy Badger’s “popup” window will open. Then, click the Report broken site button in the popup.

Pro tip #1: Because our YouTube replacement is not quite ready to be enabled by default, embedded YouTube players are not yet blocked or replaced. If you like though, you can try our YouTube replacement now.

A screenshot of Privacy Badger’s options page with the Tracking Domains tab selected. The list of tracking domains was filtered for “”; the slider for was moved to the “Block entirely” position.

To opt in, visit Privacy Badger's options page, select the “Tracking Domains” tab, search for “”, and move the toggle for to the Block entirely position.

Pro tip #2: The most private way to activate a replaced widget is to use the this [YouTube] widget link (inside the Privacy Badger has replaced this [YouTube] widget text), when the link is available. Going through the link, as opposed to one of the Allow buttons, means the widget provider doesn't necessarily get to know what site you activated the widget on. You can also right-click the link to save the widget URL; no need to visit the link or to use browser developer tools.

A screenshot of Privacy Badger’s widget placeholder. The “this YouTube widget” link is highlighted.

Click the link to open the widget in a new tab.

Privacy tools should be measured not only by efficacy, but also ease of use. As we write in the FAQ, we want Privacy Badger to function well without any special knowledge or configuration by the user. Privacy should be made easy, rather than gatekept for “power users.” Everyone should be able to decide for themselves when and with whom they want to share information. Privacy Badger fights to restore this control, biting back at sneaky non-consensual surveillance.

To install Privacy Badger, visit Thank you for using Privacy Badger!


  • 1. Privacy Badger version 2023.12.1

Surveillance Self-Defense: 2023 Year in Review

It's been a big year for Surveillance Self-Defense (SSD), our repository of self-help resources for helping better protect you and your friends from online spying. We've done a number of updates and tackled a few new emerging topics with blog posts.

Fighting for digital security and privacy rights is important, but sometimes we all just need to know what steps we can take to minimize spying, and when steps aren't possible, explaining how things work to help keep you safe. To do this, we break SSD into four sections:

  • Basics: A starter resource that includes overviews of how digital surveillance works.
  • Tool Guides: Step-by-step tutorials on using privacy and security tools.
  • Further Learning: Explainers about protecting your digital privacy.
  • Security Scenarios: Playlists of our resources for specific use cases, such as LGBTQ+ youth, journalists, activists, and more.

But not everything makes sense in SSD, so sometimes we also tackle security education issues with blogs, which tend to focus more on news events or new technology that may not have rolled out widely yet. Each has its place, and each saw a variety of new guidance this year.

Re-tooling Our SSD Tool Guides

Surveillance Self-Defense has provided expert guidance for security and privacy for 14 years. And in those years it has seen a number of revisions, expansions, and changes. We try to consistently audit and update SSD so it contains up to date information. Each guide has a "last reviewed" date so you can quickly see at the start when it last got an expert review.

This year we tackled a number of updates, and took the time to take a new approach with two of our most popular guides: Signal and WhatsApp. For these, we combined the once-separate Android and iPhone guides into one, making them easier to update (and translate) in the future.

We also updated many other guides this year with new information, screenshots, and advice:

SSD also received two new guides. The first was a new guide for choosing a password manager, one of the most important security tools, and one that can be overwhelming to research and start using. The second was a guide for using Tor on mobile devices, which is an increasingly useful place to use the privacy-protecting software.

Providing New Guidance and Responding to News

Part of security education is explaining new and old technologies, responding to news events, and laying out details of any technological quirks we find. For this, we tend to turn to our blog instead of SSD. But the core idea is the same: provide self-help guidance for navigating various security and privacy concerns.

We came up with guidance for passkeys, a new type of login that eliminates the need for passwords altogether. Passkeys can be confusing, both from a security perspective and from a basic usability perspective. We do think there's work that can be done to improve them, and like most security advice, the answer to the question of whether you should use them is "it depends." But for many people, if you’re not already using a password manager, passkeys will be a tremendous increase in security.

When it comes to quirks in apps, we took a look at what happens when you delete a replied-to message in encrypted messaging apps. There are all sorts of little oddities with end-to-end encrypted messaging apps that are worth being aware of. While they don't compromise the integrity of the messaging—your communications are safe from the companies that run them—they can sometimes act unexpectedly, like keeping a message you deleted around longer than you may realize if someone in the chat replied to it directly.

The DNA site 23andMe suffered a “credential stuffing” attack that resulted in 6.9 million user's data appearing on hacker forums. There were only a relatively small number of accounts actually compromised, but once in, the attacker was able to scrape information about other users using a feature known as DNA Relatives, which provided users with an expansive family tree. There's nothing you can do after this if your data was included, but we explained what happened, and the handful of steps you could take to better secure your account and make it more private in the future.

Google released its "Privacy Sandbox" feature, which, while improved from initial proposals back in 2019, still tracks your internet use for behavioral advertising by using your web browsing to define "topics" of interest, then queuing up ads based on those interests. The idea is that instead of the dozens of third-party cookies placed on websites by different advertisers and tracking companies, Google itself will track your interests in the browser itself, controlling even more of the advertising ecosystem than it already does. Our blog shows you how to disable it, if you choose to.

We also took a deep dive into an Android tablet meant for kids that turned out to be filled with sketchyware. The tablet was riddled with all sorts of software we didn't like, but we shared guidance for how to better secure an Android tablet—all steps worth taking before you hand over any Android tablet as a holiday gift.

After a hard fought battle pushing Apple to encrypt iCloud backups, the company actually took it a step further, allowing you to encrypt nearly everything in iCloud, including those backups, with a new feature they call Advanced Data Protection. Unfortunately, it's not the default setting, so you should enable it for yourself as soon as you can.

Similarly, Meta finally rolled out end-to-end encryption for Messenger, which is thankfully enabled by default, though there are some quirks with how backups work that we explain in this blog post.

EFF worked hard in 2023 to explain new consumer security technologies, provide guidance for tools, and help everyone communicate securely. There's plenty more work to be done next year, and we'll be here to explain what you can, how to do it, and how it works in 2024.

This blog is part of our Year in Review series. Read other articles about the fight for digital rights in 2023.

No Robots(.txt): How to Ask ChatGPT and Google Bard to Not Use Your Website for Training

Both OpenAI and Google have released guidance for website owners who do not want the two companies using the content of their sites to train the company's large language models (LLMs). We've long been supporters of the right to scrape websites—the process of using a computer to load and read pages of a website for later analysis—as a tool for research, journalism, and archivers. We believe this practice is still lawful when collecting training data for generative AI, but the question of whether something should be illegal is different from whether it may be considered rude, gauche, or unpleasant. As norms continue to develop around what kinds of scraping and what uses of scraped data are considered acceptable, it is useful to have a tool for website operators to automatically signal their preference to crawlers. Asking OpenAI and Google (and anyone else who chooses to honor the preference) to not include scrapes of your site in its models is an easy process as long as you can access your site's file structure.

We've talked before about how these models use art for training, and the general idea and process is the same for text. Researchers have long used collections of data scraped from the internet for studies of censorship, malware, sociology, language, and other applications, including generative AI. Today, both academic and for-profit researchers collect training data for AI using bots that go out searching all over the web and “scrape up” or store the content of each site they come across. This might be used to create purely text-based tools, or a system might collect images that may be associated with certain text and try to glean connections between the words and the images during training. The end result, at least currently, is the chatbots we've seen in the form of Google Bard and ChatGPT.

It would ease many minds for other companies with similar AI products, like Anthropic, Amazon, and countless others, to announce that they'd respect similar requests.

If you do not want your website's content used for this training, you can ask the bots deployed by Google and Open AI to skip over your site. Keep in mind that this only applies to future scraping. If Google or OpenAI already have data from your site, they will not remove it. It also doesn't stop the countless other companies out there training their own LLMs, and doesn't affect anything you've posted elsewhere, like on social networks or forums. It also wouldn't stop models that are trained on large data sets of scraped websites that aren't affiliated with a specific company. For example, OpenAI's GPT-3 and Meta's LLaMa were both trained using data mostly collected from Common Crawl, an open source archive of large portions of the internet that is routinely used for important research. You can block Common Crawl, but doing so blocks the web crawler from using your data in all its data sets, many of which have nothing to do with AI.

There's no technical requirement that a bot obey your requests. Currently only Google and OpenAI who have announced that this is the way to opt-out, so other AI companies may not care about this at all, or may add their own directions for opting out. But it also doesn't block any other types of scraping that are used for research or for other means, so if you're generally in favor of scraping but uneasy with the use of your website content in a corporation's AI training set, this is one step you can take.

Before we get to the how, we need to explain what exactly you'll be editing to do this.

What's a Robots.txt?

In order to ask these companies not to scrape your site, you need to edit (or create) a file located on your website called "robots.txt." A robots.txt is a set of instructions for bots and web crawlers. Up until this point, it was mostly used to provide useful information for search engines as their bots scraped the web. If website owners want to ask a specific search engine or other bot to not scan their site, they can enter that in their robots.txt file. Bots can always choose to ignore this, but many crawling services respect the request.

This might all sound rather technical, but it's really nothing more than a small text file located in the root folder of your site, like "" Anyone can see this file on any website. For example, here's The New York Times' robots.txt, which currently blocks both ChatGPT and Bard. 

If you run your own website, you should have some way to access the file structure of that site, either through your hosting provider's web portal or FTP. You may need to comb through your provider's documentation for help figuring out how to access this folder. In most cases, your site will already have a robots.txt created, even if it's blank, but if you do need to create a file, you can do so with any plain text editor. Google has guidance for doing so here.

EFF will not be using these flags because we believe scraping is a powerful tool for research and access to information.

What to Include In Your Robots.txt to Block ChatGPT and Google Bard

With all that out of the way, here's what to include in your site's robots.txt file if you do not want ChatGPT and Google to use the contents of your site to train their generative AI models. If you want to cover the entirety of your site, add these lines to your robots.txt file:


User-agent: GPTBot

Disallow: /

Google Bard

User-agent: Google-Extended

Disallow: /

You can also narrow this down to block access to only certain folders on your site. For example, maybe you don't mind if most of the data on your site is used for training, but you have a blog that you use as a journal. You can opt out specific folders. For example, if the blog is located at, you'd use this:


User-agent: GPTBot

Disallow: /blog

Google Bard

User-agent: Google-Extended

Disallow: /blog

As mentioned above, we at EFF will not be using these flags because we believe scraping is a powerful tool for research and access to information; we want the information we’re providing to spread far and wide and to be represented in the outputs and answers provided by LLMs. Of course, individual website owners have different views for their blogs, portfolios, or whatever else you use your website for. We're in favor of means for people to express their preferences, and it would ease many minds for other companies with similar AI products, like Anthropic, Amazon, and countless others, announce that they'd respect similar requests.

Think Twice Before Giving Surveillance for the Holidays

With the holidays upon us, it's easy to default to giving the tech gifts that retailers tend to push on us this time of year: smart speakers, video doorbells, bluetooth trackers, fitness trackers, and other connected gadgets are all very popular gifts. But before you give one, think twice about what you're opting that person into.

A number of these gifts raise red flags for us as privacy-conscious digital advocates. Ring cameras are one of the most obvious examples, but countless others over the years have made the security or privacy naughty list (and many of these same electronics directly clash with your right to repair).

One big problem with giving these sorts of gifts is that you're opting another person into a company's intrusive surveillance practice, likely without their full knowledge of what they're really signing up for.

For example, a smart speaker might seem like a fun stocking stuffer. But unless the giftee is tapped deeply into tech news, they likely don't know there's a chance for human review of any recordings. They also may not be aware that some of these speakers collect an enormous amount of data about how you use it, typically for advertising–though any connected device might have surprising uses to law enforcement, too.

There's also the problem of tech companies getting acquired like we've seen recently with Tile, iRobot, or Fitbit. The new business can suddenly change the dynamic of the privacy and security agreements that the user made with the old business when they started using one of those products.

And let's not forget about kids. Long subjected to surveillance from elves and their managers, electronics gifts for kids can come with all sorts of surprise issues, like the kid-focused tablet we found this year that was packed with malware and riskware. Kids’ smartwatches and a number of connected toys are also potential privacy hazards that may not be worth the risks if not set up carefully.

Of course, you don't have to avoid all technology purchases. There are plenty of products out there that aren't creepy, and a few that just need extra attention during set up to ensure they're as privacy-protecting as possible. 

What To Do Instead

While we don't endorse products, you don't have to start your search in a vacuum. One helpful place to start is Mozilla's Privacy Not Included gift guide, which provides a breakdown of the privacy practices and history of products in a number of popular gift categories. This way, instead of just buying any old smart-device at random because it's on sale, you at least have the context of what sort of data it might collect, how the company has behaved in the past, and what sorts of potential dangers to consider. U.S. PIRG also has guidance for shopping for kids, including details about what to look for in popular categories like smart toys and watches.

Finally, when shopping it's worth keeping in mind two last details. First, some “smart” devices can be used without their corresponding apps, which should be viewed as a benefit, because we've seen before that app-only gadgets can be bricked by a shift in company policies. Also, remember that not everything needs to be “smart” in the first place; often these features add little to the usability of the product.

Your job as a privacy-conscious gift-giver doesn't end at the checkout screen.

If you're more tech savvy than the person receiving the item, or you're helping set up a gadget for a child, there's no better gift than helping set it up as privately as possible. Take a few minutes after they've unboxed the item and walk through the set up process with them. Some options to look for: 

  • Enable two-factor authentication when available to help secure their new account.
  • If there are any social sharing settings—particularly popular with fitness trackers and game consoles—disable any unintended sharing that might end up on a public profile.
  • Look for any options to enable automatic updates. This is usually enabled by default these days, but it's always good to double-check.
  • If there's an app associated with the new device (and there often is), help them choose which permissions to allow, and which to deny. Keep an eye out for location data, in particular, especially if there's no logical reason for the app to need it. 
  • While you're at it, help them with other settings on their phone, and make sure to disable the phone’s advertising ID.
  • Speaking of advertising IDs, some devices have their own advertising settings, usually located somewhere like, Settings > Privacy > Ad Preferences. If there's an option to disable any ad tracking, take advantage of it. While you're in the settings, you may find other device-specific privacy or data usage settings. Take that opportunity to opt out of any tracking and collection when you can. This will be very device-dependent, but it's especially worth doing on anything you know tracks loads of data, like smart TVs
  • If you're helping set up a video or audio device, like a smart speaker or robot vacuum, poke around in the options to see if you can disable any sort of "human review" of recordings.

If during the setup process, you notice some gaps in their security hygiene, it might also be a great opportunity to help them set up other security measures, like setting up a password manager

Giving the gift of electronics shouldn’t come with so much homework, but until we have a comprehensive data privacy law, we'll likely have to contend with these sorts of set-up hoops. Until that day comes, we can all take the time to help those who need it.

How to Secure Your Kid's Android Device

After finding risky software on an Android (Google’s mobile operating system) device marketed for kids, we wanted to put together some tips to help better secure your kid's Android device (and even your own). Despite the dangers that exist, there are many things that can be done to at least mitigate harm and assist parents and children. There are also safety tools that your child can use at their own discretion.

There's a handful of different tools, settings, and apps that can help better secure your kid’s device, depending on their needs. We've broken them down into four categories: Parental Monitoring, Security, Safety, and Privacy.

Note: If you do not see these settings in your Android device, it may be out of date or a heavily modified Android distribution. This is based on Android 14’s features.

Parental Monitoring

Google has a free app for parental controls called Family Link, which gives you tools to establish screen time limits, app installs, and more. There’s no need to install a third-party application. Family Link sometimes comes pre-installed with some devices marketed for children, but it is also available in the Google Play store for installation. This is helpful given that some third-party parental safety apps have been caught in the act of selling children’s data and involved in major data leaks. Also, having a discussion with your child about these controls can possibly provide something that technology can’t provide: trust and understanding.


There are a few basic security steps you can take on both your own Google account and your child’s device to improve their security.

  • If you control your child's Google account with your own, you should lock down your own account as best as possible. Setting up two-factor authentication is a simple thing you can do to avoid malicious access to your child’s account via yours.
  • Encrypt their device with a passcode (if you have Android 6 or later).


You can also enable safety measures your child can use if they are traveling around with their device.

  • Safety Check allows a device user to automatically reach out to established emergency contacts if they feel like they are in an unsafe situation. If they do not mark themselves “safe” after the safety check duration ends, emergency location sharing with emergency contacts will commence. The safety check reason and duration (up to 24 hours) is set by the device user. 
  • Emergency SOS assists in triggering emergency actions like calling 911, sharing your location with your emergency contacts, and recording video.
  • If the "Unknown tracker alerts" setting is enabled, a notification will trigger on the user's device if there is an unknown AirTag moving with them (this feature only works with AirTags currently, but Google says will expand to other trackers in the future). Bluetooth is required to be turned on for this feature to function properly.


There are some configurations you can also input to deter tracking of your child’s activities online by ad networks and data brokers.

  • Delete the device’s AD ID.
  • Install an even more overall privacy preserving browser like Firefox, DuckDuckGo, or Brave. While Chrome is the default on Android and has decent security measures, they do not allow web extensions on their mobile browser. Preventing the use of helpful extensions like Privacy Badger to help prevent ad tracking.
  • Review the privacy permissions on the device to ensure no apps are accessing important features like the camera, microphone, or location without your knowledge.

For more technically savvy parents, Pi-hole (a DNS software) is very useful to automatically block ad-related network requests. It blocked most shady requests on major ad lists from the malware we saw during our investigation on a kid’s tablet. The added benefit is you can configure many devices to one Pi-hole set up.

DuckDuckGo’s App Tracking protection is an alternative to using Pi-hole that doesn’t require as much technical overhead. However, since it looks at all network traffic coming from the device, it will ask to be set up as a VPN profile upon being enabled. Android forces any app that looks at traffic in this manner to be set up like a VPN and only allows one VPN connection at a time.

It can be a source of stress to set up a new device for your child. However, taking some time to set up privacy and security settings can help you and your child discuss technology from a more informed perspective for the both of you.

Introducing Badger Swarm: New Project Helps Privacy Badger Block Ever More Trackers

Today we are introducing Badger Swarm, a new tool for Privacy Badger that runs distributed Badger Sett scans in the cloud. Badger Swarm helps us continue updating and growing Privacy Badger’s tracker knowledge, as well as continue adding new ways of catching trackers. Thanks to continually expanding Badger Swarm-powered training, Privacy Badger comes packed with its largest blocklist yet.

A line chart showing the growth of blocked domains in Privacy Badger’s pre-trained list from late 2018 (about 300 domains blocked by default) through 2023 (over 2000 domains blocked by default). There is a sharp jump in January 2023, from under 1200 to over 1800 domains blocked by default.

We continue to update and grow Privacy Badger’s pre-trained list. Privacy Badger now comes with the largest blocklist yet, thanks to improved tracking detection and continually expanding training. Can you guess when we started using Badger Swarm?

Privacy Badger is defined by its automatic learning. As we write in the FAQ, Privacy Badger was born out of our desire for an extension that would automatically analyze and block any tracker that violated consent, and that would use algorithmic methods to decide what is and isn’t tracking. But when and where that learning happens has evolved over the years.

When we first created Privacy Badger, every Privacy Badger installation started with no tracker knowledge and learned to block trackers as you browsed. This meant that every Privacy Badger became stronger, smarter, and more bespoke over time. It also meant that all learning was siloed, and new Privacy Badgers didn’t block anything until they got to visit several websites. This made some people think their Privacy Badger extension wasn’t working.

In 2018, we rolled out Badger Sett, an automated training tool for Privacy Badger, to solve this problem. We run Badger Sett scans that use a real browser to visit the most popular sites on the web and produce Privacy Badger data. Thanks to Badger Sett, new Privacy Badgers knew to block the most common trackers from the start, which resolved confusion and improved privacy for new users.

In 2020, we updated Privacy Badger to no longer learn from your browsing by default, as local learning may make you more identifiable to websites. 1 In order to make this change, we expanded the scope of Badger Sett-powered remote learning. We then updated Privacy Badger to start receiving tracker list updates as part of extension updates. Training went from giving new installs a jump start to being the default source of Privacy Badger’s tracker knowledge.

Since Badger Sett automates a real browser, visiting a website takes a meaningful amount of time. That’s where Badger Swarm comes in. As the name suggests, Badger Swarm orchestrates a swarm of auto-driven Privacy Badgers to cover much more ground than a single badger could. On a more technical level, Badger Swarm converts a Badger Sett scan of X sites into N parallel Badger Sett scans of X/N sites. This makes medium scans complete as quickly as small scans, and large scans complete in a reasonable amount of time.

Badger Swarm also helps us produce new insights that lead to improved Privacy Badger protections. For example, Privacy Badger now blocks fingerprinters hosted by CDNs, a feature made possible by Badger Swarm-powered expanded scanning. 2

We are releasing Badger Swarm in hope of providing a helpful foundation to web researchers. Like Badger Sett, Badger Swarm is tailor-made for Privacy Badger. However, also like Badger Sett, we built Badger Swarm so it's simple to use and modify. To learn more about how Badger Swarm works, visit its repository on GitHub.

The world of online tracking isn't slowing down. The dangers caused by mass surveillance on the internet cannot be overstated. Privacy Badger continues to protect you from this pernicious industry, and thanks to Badger Swarm, Privacy Badger is stronger than ever.

To install Privacy Badger, visit Thank you for using Privacy Badger!

  • 1. You may want to opt back in to local learning if you regularly browse less popular websites. To do so, visit your Badger’s options page and mark the checkbox for learning to block new trackers from your browsing.
  • 2. As a compromise to avoid breaking websites, CDN domains are allowed to load without access to cookies. However, sometimes the same domain is used to serve both unobjectionable content and obnoxious fingerprinters that do not need cookies to track your browsing. Privacy Badger now blocks these fingerprinters.

What to Do If You're Concerned About the 23andMe Breach

In early October, a bad actor claimed they were selling account details from the genetic testing service, 23andMe, which included alleged data of one million users of Ashkenazi Jewish descent and another 100,000 users of Chinese descent. By mid-October this expanded out to another four million more general accounts. The data includes display name, birth year, sex, and some details about genetic ancestry results, but no genetic data. There's nothing you can do if your data was already accessed, but it's a good time to reconsider how you're using the service to begin with. 

What Happened

In a blog post, 23andMe claims the bad actors accessed the accounts through "credential stuffing:" the practice of using one set of leaked usernames and passwords from a previous data breach on another website in hopes that people have reused passwords. 

Details about any specific accounts affected are still scant, but we do know some broad strokes. TechCrunch found the data may have been first leaked back in August when a bad actor posted on a hacking forum that they'd accessed 300 terabytes of stolen 23andMe user data. At the time, not much was made of the supposed breach, but then in early October a bad actor posted a data sample on a different forum claiming that the full set of data contained 1 million data points about people with Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry. In a statement to The Washington Post a 23andMe representative noted that this "would include people with even 1% Jewish ancestry." Soon after, another post claimed they had data on 100,000 Chinese users. Then, on October 18, yet another dataset showed up on the same forum that included four million users, with the poster claiming it included data from "the wealthiest people living in the U.S. and Western Europe on this list." 

23andMe suggests that the bad actors compiled the data from accounts using the optional "DNA Relatives" feature, which allows 23andMe users to automatically share data with others on the platform who they may be relatives with. 

Basically, it appears an attacker took username and password combinations from previous breaches and tried those combinations to see if they worked on 23andMe accounts. When logins worked, they scraped all the information they could, including all the shared data about relatives if both the relatives and the original account opted into the DNA Relatives feature.

That's all we know right now. 23andMe says it will continue updating its blog post here with new information as it has it.

Why It Matters

Genetic information is an important tool in testing for disease markers and researching family history, but there are no federal laws that clearly protect users of online genetic testing sites like 23andMe and The ability to research family history and disease risk shouldn’t carry the risk that our data will be accessible in data breaches, through scraped accounts, by law enforcement, insurers, or in other ways we can't foresee. 

It's still unclear if the data is deliberately targeting the Ashkenazi Jewish population or if it's a tasteless way to draw attention to the data sale, but the fact the data can be used to target ethnic groups is an unsettling use. 23andMe pitches "DNA Relatives" almost like a social network, and a fun way to find a second cousin or two. There are some privacy guardrails on using the feature, like the option to hide your full name, but with a potentially full family tree otherwise available an individual's privacy choices here may not be that protective. 

23andme is generally one of the better actors in this space. They require an individualized warrant for police access to their data, don't allow direct access to all data (unlike GEDmatch and FTDNA), and push back on overbroad warrants. But putting the burden on its customers to use unique passwords and to opt intoinstead of requiringaccount protection features like two-factor authentication is an unfortunate look for a company that handles sensitive data. 

Reusing passwords is a common practice, but instead of blaming its customers, 23andMe should be doing more to make its default protections stronger. Features like requiring two-factor authentication and frequent privacy check-up reminders, like those offered by most social networks these days, could go a long way to help users reconsider and better understand their privacy.

How to Best Protect Your Account

If your data is included in this stolen data set, there's not much you can do to get your data back, nor is there a way to search through it to see if your information is included. But you should log into your 23andMe account to make some changes to your security and privacy settings to protect against any issues in the future:

  • 23andMe is currently requiring all users to change their passwords. When you create your new one, be sure to use a unique password. A password manager can help make this easier. A password manager can also usually tell you if previously used passwords of yours have been found in a breach, but in either case you should create a unique password for different sites.
  • Enable two-factor authentication on your 23andMe account by following the directions here. This makes it so in order to log into your account, you'll need to provide not only your username and password, but also a second factor, in this case a code from an two-factor authentication app like Authy or Google Authenticator.
  • Change your display name in DNA Relatives so it's just your initials, or consider disabling this feature entirely if you don't use it. 

Taking these steps may not protect other unforeseen privacy invasions, but it can at least better protect it from the rest of the potential issues we know exist today.

How to Download and Delete Your Data

If this situation makes you uneasy with your data being on the platform, or you've already gotten out of it what you wanted, then you may want to delete your account. But before you do so, consider downloading the data for your own records. To download your data:

  1. Log into your 23andMe account and click your username, then "Settings." 
  2. Scroll down to the bottom where it says "23andMe Data" and click "View."
  3. Here, you'll find the option to download various parts of your 23andMe data. The most important ones to consider are:
    1. The "Reports Summary" includes details like the "Wellness Reports," "Ancestry Reports," and "Traits Reports."
    2. The "Ancestry Composition Raw Data" the company's interpretation of your raw genetic data.
    3. If you were using the DNA Relatives feature, the "Family Tree Data" includes all the information about your relatives. Based on the descriptions of the data we've seen, this sounds like the data the bad actors collected.
    4. You can also download the "Raw data," which is the uninterpreted version of your DNA. 

There are other types of data you can download on this page, though much of it will not be of use to you without special software. But there's no harm in downloading everything.

Once you have that data downloaded, follow the company's guide for deleting your account. The button to start the process is located on the bottom of the same account page where you downloaded data.

Our DNA contains our entire genetic makeup. It can reveal where our ancestors came from, who we are related to, our physical characteristics, and whether we are likely to get genetically determined diseases. This incident is an example of why this matters, and how certain features that may seem useful in the moment can be weaponized in novel ways. For more information about genetic privacy, see our Genetic Information Privacy legal overview, and other Health Privacy-related topics on our blog.

EFF And Other Experts Join in Pointing Out Pitfalls of Proposed EU Cyber-Resilience Act

Today we join a set of 56 experts from organizations such as Google, Panasonic, Citizen Lab, Trend Micro and many others in an open letter calling on the European Commission, European Parliament, and Spain’s Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation to reconsider the obligatory vulnerability reporting mechanisms built into Article 11 of the EU’s proposed Cyber-Resilience Act (CRA). As we’ve pointed out before, this reporting obligation raises major cybersecurity concerns. Broadening the knowledge of unpatched vulnerabilities to a larger audience will increase the risk of exploitation, and software publishers being forced to report these vulnerabilities to government regulators introduces the possibility of governments adding it to their offensive arsenals. These aren’t just theoretical threats: vulnerabilities stored on Intelligence Community infrastructure have been breached by hackers before.

Technology companies and others who create, distribute, and patch software are in a tough position. The intention of the CRA is to protect the public from companies who shirk their responsibilities by leaving vulnerabilities unpatched and their customers open to attack. But companies and software publishers who do the right thing by treating security vulnerabilities as well-guarded secrets until a proper fix can be applied and deployed now face an obligation to disclose vulnerabilities to regulators within 24 hours of exploitation. This significantly increases the danger these vulnerabilities present to the public. As the letter points out, the CRA “already requires software publishers to mitigate vulnerabilities without delay” separate from the reporting obligation. The letter also points out that this reporting mechanism may interfere with the collaboration and trusted relationship between companies and security researchers who work with companies to produce a fix.

The letter suggests to either remove this requirement entirely or change the reporting obligation to be a 72-hour window after patches are made and deployed. It also calls on European law- and policy-makers to prohibit use of reported vulnerabilities “for intelligence, surveillance, or offensive purposes.” These changes would go a long way in ensuring security vulnerabilities discovered by software publishers don’t wind up being further exploited by falling into the wrong hands.

Separately, EFF (and others) have pointed out the dangers the CRA presents to open-source software developers by making them liable for vulnerabilities in their software if they so much as solicit donations for their efforts. The obligatory reporting mechanism and open-source liability clauses of the CRA must be changed or removed. Otherwise, software publishers and open-source developers who are doing a public service will fall under a burdensome and undue liability.

How To Turn Off Google’s “Privacy Sandbox” Ad Tracking—and Why You Should

Google has rolled out "Privacy Sandbox," a Chrome feature first announced back in 2019 that, among other things, exchanges third-party cookies—the most common form of tracking technology—for what the company is now calling "Topics." Topics is a response to pushback against Google’s proposed Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC), which we called "a terrible idea" because it gave Google even more control over advertising in its browser while not truly protecting user privacy. While there have been some changes to how this works since 2019, Topics is still tracking your internet use for Google’s behavioral advertising.

If you use Chrome, you can disable this feature through a series of three confusing settings.

With the version of the Chrome browser released in September 2023, Google tracks your web browsing history and generates a list of advertising "topics" based on the web sites you visit. This works as you might expect. At launch there are almost 500 advertising categories—like "Student Loans & College Financing," "Parenting," or "Undergarments"—that you get dumped into based on whatever you're reading about online. A site that supports Privacy Sandbox will ask Chrome what sorts of things you're supposedly into, and then display an ad accordingly. 

The idea is that instead of the dozens of third-party cookies placed on websites by different advertisers and tracking companies, Google itself will track your interests in the browser itself, controlling even more of the advertising ecosystem than it already does. Google calls this “enhanced ad privacy,” perhaps leaning into the idea that starting in 2024 they plan to “phase out” the third-party cookies that many advertisers currently use to track people. But the company will still gobble up your browsing habits to serve you ads, preserving its bottom line in a world where competition on privacy is pushing it to phase out third-party cookies. 

Google plans to test Privacy Sandbox throughout 2024. Which means that for the next year or so, third-party cookies will continue to collect and share your data in Chrome.

The new Topics improves somewhat over the 2019 FLoC. It does not use the FLoC ID, a number that many worried would be used to fingerprint you. The ad-targeting topics are all public on GitHub, hopefully avoiding any clearly sensitive categories such as race, religion, or sexual orientation. Chrome's ad privacy controls, which we detail below, allow you to see what sorts of interest categories Chrome puts you in, and remove any topics you don't want to see ads for. There's also a simple means to opt out, which FLoC never really had during testing.

Other browsers, like Firefox and Safari, baked in privacy protections from third-party cookies in 2019 and 2020, respectively. Neither of those browsers has anything like Privacy Sandbox, which makes them better options if you'd prefer more privacy. 

Google referring to any of this as “privacy” is deceiving. Even if it's better than third-party cookies, the Privacy Sandbox is still tracking, it's just done by one company instead of dozens. Instead of waffling between different tracking methods, even with mild improvements, we should work towards a world without behavioral ads.

But if you're sticking to Chrome, you can at least turn these features off.

How to Disable Privacy Sandbox

Screenshot of Chrome browser with "enhanced ad privacy in Chrome" page Depending on when you last updated Chrome, you may have already received a pop-up asking you to agree to “Enhanced ad privacy in Chrome.” If you just clicked the big blue button that said “Got it” to make the pop-up go away, you opted yourself in. But you can still get back to the opt out page easily enough by clicking the Three-dot icon (⋮) > Settings > Privacy & Security > Ad Privacy page. Here you'll find this screen with three different settings:

  • Ad topics: This is the fundamental component of Privacy Sandbox that generates a list of your interests based on the websites you visit. If you leave this enabled, you'll eventually get a list of all your interests, which are used for ads, as well as the ability to block individual topics. The topics roll over every four weeks (up from weekly in the FLOCs proposal) and random ones will be thrown in for good measure. You can disable this entirely by setting the toggle to "Off."
  • Site-suggested ads: This confusingly named toggle is what allows advertisers to do what’s called "remarketing" or "retargeting," also known as “after I buy a sofa, every website on the internet advertises that same sofa to me.” With this feature, site one gives information to your Chrome instance (like “this person loves sofas”) and site two, which runs ads, can interact with Chrome such that a sofa ad will be shown, even without site two learning that you love sofas. Disable this by setting the toggle to "Off."
  • Ad measurement: This allows advertisers to track ad performance by storing data in your browser that's then shared with other sites. For example, if you see an ad for a pair of shoes, the site would get information about the time of day, whether the ad was clicked, and where it was displayed. Disable this by setting the toggle to "Off."

If you're on Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Opera, you should also take your privacy protections a step further with our own Privacy Badger, a browser extension that blocks third-party trackers that use cookies, fingerprinting, and other sneaky methods. On Chrome, Privacy Badger also disables the Topics API by default.

New Privacy Badger Prevents Google From Mangling More of Your Links and Invading Your Privacy

We released a new version of Privacy Badger 1 that updates how we fight “link tracking” across a number of Google products. With this update Privacy Badger removes tracking from links in Google Docs, Gmail, Google Maps, and Google Images results. Privacy Badger now also removes tracking from links added after scrolling through Google Search results.

Link tracking is a creepy surveillance tactic that allows a company to follow you whenever you click on a link to leave its website. As we wrote in our original announcement of Google link tracking protection, Google uses different techniques in different browsers. The techniques also vary across Google products. One common link tracking approach surreptitiously redirects the outgoing request through the tracker’s own servers. There is virtually no benefit 2 for you when this happens. The added complexity mostly just helps Google learn more about your browsing.

It's been a few years since our original release of Google link tracking protection. Things have changed in the meantime. For example, Google Search now dynamically adds results as you scroll the page ("infinite scroll" has mostly replaced distinct pages of results). Google Hangouts no longer exists! This made it a good time for us to update Privacy Badger’s first party tracking protections.

Privacy Badger’s extension popup window showing that link tracking protection is active for the currently visited site.

You can always check to see what Privacy Badger has done on the site you’re currently on by clicking on Privacy Badger’s icon in your browser toolbar. Whenever link tracking protection is active, you will see that reflected in Privacy Badger’s popup window.

We'll get into the technical explanation about how this all works below, but the TL;DR is that this is just one way that Privacy Badger continues to create a less tracking- and tracker-riddled internet experience.

More Details

This update is an overhaul of how Google link tracking removal works. Trying to get it all done inside a “content script” (a script we inject into Google pages) was becoming increasingly untenable. Privacy Badger wasn’t catching all cases of tracking and was breaking page functionality. Patching to catch the missed tracking with the content script was becoming unreasonably complex and likely to break more functionality.

Going forward, Privacy Badger will still attempt to replace tracking URLs on pages with the content script, but will no longer try to prevent links from triggering tracking beacon requests. Instead, it will block all such requests in the network layer.

Often the link destination is replaced with a redirect URL in response to interaction with the link. Sometimes Privacy Badger catches this mutation in the content script and fixes the link in time. Sometimes the page uses a more complicated approach to covertly open a redirect URL at the last moment, which isn’t caught in the content script. Privacy Badger works around these cases by redirecting the redirect to where you actually want to go in the network layer.

Google’s Manifest V3 (MV3) removes the ability to redirect requests using the flexible webRequest API that Privacy Badger uses now. MV3 replaces blocking webRequest with the limited by design Declarative Net Request (DNR) API. Unfortunately, this means that MV3 extensions are not able to properly fix redirects at the network layer at this time. We would like to see this important functionality gap resolved before MV3 becomes mandatory for all extensions.

Privacy Badger still attempts to remove tracking URLs with the content script so that you can always see and copy to clipboard the links you actually want, as opposed to mangled links you don’t. For example, without this feature, you may expect to copy “”, but you will instead get something like “”.

To learn more about this update, and to see a breakdown of the different kinds of Google link tracking, visit the pull request on GitHub.

Let us know if you have any feedback through email, or, if you have a GitHub account, through our GitHub issue tracker.

To install Privacy Badger, visit Thank you for using Privacy Badger!

  • 1. Privacy Badger version 2023.9.12
  • 2. No benefit outside of removing the referrer information, which can be accomplished without resorting to obnoxious redirects.
