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Location Tracking Tools Endanger Abortion Access. Lawmakers Must Act Now.

EFF wrote recently about Locate X, a deeply troubling location tracking tool that allows users to see the precise whereabouts of individuals based on the locations of their smartphone devices. Developed and sold by the data surveillance company Babel Street, Locate X collects smartphone location data from a variety of sources and collates that data into an easy-to-use tool to track devices. The tool features a navigable map with red dots, each representing an individual device. Users can then follow the location of specific devices as they move about the map.

Locate X–and other similar services–are able to do this by taking advantage of our largely unregulated location data market.

Unfettered location tracking puts us all at risk. Law enforcement agencies can purchase their way around warrant requirements and bad actors can pay for services that make it easier to engage in stalking and harassment. Location tracking tools particularly threaten groups especially vulnerable to targeting, such as immigrants, the LGBTQ+ community, and even U.S. intelligence personnel abroad. Crucially, in a post-Dobbs United States, location surveillance also poses a serious danger to abortion-seekers across the country.

EFF has warned before about how the location data market threatens reproductive rights. The recent reports on Locate X illustrate even more starkly how the collection and sale of location data endangers patients in states with abortion bans and restrictions.

In late October, 404 Media reported that privacy advocates from Atlas Privacy, a data removal company, were able to get their hands on Locate X and use it to track an individual device’s location data as it traveled across state lines to visit an abortion clinic. Although the tool was designed for law enforcement, the advocates gained access by simply asserting that they planned to work with law enforcement in the future. They were then able to use the tool to track an individual device as it traveled from an apparent residence in Alabama, where there is a complete abortion ban, to a reproductive health clinic in Florida, where abortion is banned after 6 weeks of pregnancy. 

Following this report, we published a guide to help people shield themselves from tracking tools like Locate X. While we urge everyone to take appropriate technical precautions for their situation, it’s far past time to address the issue at its source. The onus shouldn’t be on individuals to protect themselves from such invasive surveillance. Tools like Locate X only exist because U.S. lawmakers have failed to enact legislation that would protect our location data from being bought and sold to the highest bidder. 

Thankfully, there’s still time to reshape the system, and there are a number of laws legislators could pass today to help protect us from mass location surveillance. Remember: when our location information is for sale, so is our safety. 

Blame Data Brokers and the Online Advertising Industry

There are a vast array of apps available for your smartphone that request access to your location. Sharing this information, however, may allow your location data to be harvested and sold to shadowy companies known as data brokers. Apps request access to device location to provide various features, but once access has been granted, apps can mishandle that information and are free to share and sell your whereabouts to third parties, including data brokers. These companies collect data showing the precise movements of hundreds of millions of people without their knowledge or meaningful consent. They then make this data available to anyone willing to pay, whether that’s a private company like Babel Street (and anyone they in turn sell to) or government agencies, such as law enforcement, the military, or ICE.

This puts everyone at risk. Our location data reveals far more than most people realize, including where we live and work, who we spend time with, where we worship, whether we’ve attended protests or political gatherings, and when and where we seek medical care—including reproductive healthcare.

Without massive troves of commercially available location data, invasive tools like Locate X would not exist.

For years, EFF has warned about the risk of law enforcement or bad actors using commercially available location data to track and punish abortion seekers. Multiple data brokers have specifically targeted and sold location information tied to reproductive healthcare clinics. The data broker SafeGraph, for example, classified Planned Parenthood as a “brand” that could be tracked, allowing investigators at Motherboard to purchase data for over 600 Planned Parenthood facilities across the U.S.

Meanwhile, the data broker Near sold the location data of abortion-seekers to anti-abortion groups, enabling them to send targeted anti-abortion ads to people who visited clinics. And location data firm even once offered heat maps showing where visitors to Planned Parenthood clinics approximately lived. Sale to private actors is disturbing given that several states have introduced and passed abortion “bounty hunter” laws, which allow private citizens to enforce abortion restrictions by suing abortion-seekers for cash.

Government officials in abortion-restrictive states are also targeting location information (and other personal data) about people who visit abortion clinics. In Idaho, for example, law enforcement used cell phone data to charge a mother and son with kidnapping for aiding an abortion-seeker who traveled across state lines to receive care. While police can obtain this data by gathering evidence and requesting a warrant based on probable cause, the data broker industry allows them to bypass legal requirements and buy this information en masse, regardless of whether there’s evidence of a crime.

Lawmakers Can Fix This

So far, Congress and many states have failed to enact legislation that would meaningfully rein in the data broker industry and protect our location information. Locate X is simply the end result of such an unregulated data ecosystem. But it doesn’t have to be this way. There are a number of laws that Congress and state legislators could pass right now that would help protect us from location tracking tools.

1. Limit What Corporations Can Do With Our Data

A key place to start? Stronger consumer privacy protections. EFF has consistently pushed for legislation that would limit the ability of companies to harvest and monetize our data. If we enforce strict rules on how location data is collected, shared, and sold, we can stop it from ending up in the hands of private surveillance companies and law enforcement without our consent.

We urge legislators to consider comprehensive, across-the-board data privacy laws. Companies should be required to minimize the collection and processing of location data to only what is strictly necessary to offer the service the user requested (see, for example, the recently-passed Maryland Online Data Privacy Act). Companies should also be prohibited from processing a person’s data, except with their informed, voluntary, specific, opt-in consent.

We also support reproductive health-specific data privacy laws, like Rep. Sara Jacobs’ proposed “My Body My Data” Act. Laws like this would create important protections for a variety of reproductive health data, even beyond location data. Abortion-specific data privacy laws can provide some protection against the specific problem posed by Locate X. But to fully protect against location tracking tools, we must legally limit processing of all location data and not just data at sensitive locations, such as reproductive healthcare clinics.

While a limited law might provide some help, it would not offer foolproof protection. Imagine this scenario: someone travels from Alabama to New York for abortion care. With a data privacy law that protects only sensitive, reproductive health locations, Alabama police could still track that person’s device on the journey to New York. Upon reaching the clinic in New York, their device would disappear into a sensitive location blackout bubble for a couple of hours, then reappear outside of the bubble where police could resume tracking as the person heads home. In this situation, it would be easy to infer where the person was during those missing two hours, giving Alabama police the lead they need.

The best solution is to minimize all location data, no exceptions.

2. Limit How Law Enforcement Can Get Our Data

Congress and state legislatures should also pass laws limiting law enforcement’s ability to access our location data without proper legal safeguards.

Much of our mobile data, like our location data, is information law enforcement would typically need a court order to access. But thanks to the data broker industry, law enforcement can skip the courts entirely and simply head to the commercial market. The U.S. government has turned this loophole into a way to gather personal data on individuals without a search warrant

Lawmakers must close this loophole—especially if they’re serious about protecting abortion-seekers from hostile law enforcement in abortion-restrictive states. A key way to do this is for Congress to pass the Fourth Amendment is Not For Sale Act, which was originally introduced by Senator Ron Wyden in 2021 and made the important and historic step of passing the U.S. House of Representatives earlier this year. 

Another crucial step is to ban law enforcement from sending “geofence warrants” to corporate holders of location data. Unlike traditional warrants, a geofence warrant doesn’t start with a particular suspect or even a device or account; instead police request data on every device in a given geographic area during a designated time period, regardless of whether the device owner has any connection to the crime under investigation.This could include, of course, an abortion clinic. 

Notably, geofence warrants are very popular with law enforcement. Between 2018 and 2020, Google alone received more than 5,700 demands of this type from states that now have anti-abortion and anti-LGBTQ legislation on the books.

Several federal and state courts have already found individual geofence warrants to be unconstitutional and some have even ruled they are “categorically prohibited by the Fourth Amendment.” But instead of waiting for remaining courts to catch up, lawmakers should take action now, pass legislation banning geofence warrants, and protect all of us–abortion-seekers included–from this form of dragnet surveillance.

3. Make Your State a Data Sanctuary

In the wake of the Dobbs decision, many states stepped up to serve as health care sanctuaries for people seeking abortion care that they could not access in their home states. To truly be a safe refuge, these states must also be data sanctuaries. A state that has data about people who sought abortion care must protect that data, and not disclose it to adversaries who would use it to punish them for seeking that healthcare. California has already passed laws to this effect, and more states should follow suit.

What You Can Do Right Now

Even before lawmakers act, there are steps you can take to better shield your location data from tools like Locate X.  As noted above, we published a Locate X-specific guide several weeks ago. There are also additional tips on EFF’s Surveillance Self-Defense site, as well as many other resources available to provide more guidance in protecting your digital privacy. Many general privacy practices also offer strong protection against location tracking. 

But don’t stop there: we urge you to make your voice heard and contact your representatives. While these precautions offer immediate protection, only stronger laws will ensure comprehensive location privacy in the long run.

Creators of This Police Location Tracking Tool Aren't Vetting Buyers. Here's How To Protect Yourself

404 Media, along with Haaretz, Notus, and Krebs On Security recently reported on a company that captures smartphone location data from a variety of sources and collates that data into an easy-to-use tool to track devices’ (and, by proxy, individuals’) locations. The dangers that this tool presents are especially grave for those traveling to or from out-of-state reproductive health clinics, places of worship, and the border.

The tool, called Locate X, is run by a company called Babel Street. Locate X is designed for law enforcement, but an investigator working with Atlas Privacy, a data removal service, was able to gain access to Locate X by simply asserting that they planned to work with law enforcement in the future.

With an incoming administration adversarial to those most at risk from location tracking using tools like Locate X, the time is ripe to bolster our digital defenses. Now more than ever, attorneys general in states hostile to reproductive choice will be emboldened to use every tool at their disposal to incriminate those exerting their bodily autonomy. Locate X is a powerful tool they can use to do this. So here are some timely tips to help protect your location privacy.

First, a short disclaimer: these tips provide some level of protection to mobile device-based tracking. This is not an exhaustive list of techniques, devices, or technologies that can help restore one’s location privacy. Your security plan should reflect how specifically targeted you are for surveillance. Additional steps, such as researching and mitigating the on-board devices included with your car, or sweeping for physical GPS trackers, may be prudent steps which are outside the scope of this post. Likewise, more advanced techniques such as flashing your device with a custom-built privacy- or security-focused operating system may provide additional protections which are not covered here. The intent is to give some basic tips for protecting yourself from mobile device location tracking services.

Disable Mobile Advertising Identifiers

Services like Locate X are built atop an online advertising ecosystem that incentivizes collecting troves of information from your device and delivering it to platforms to micro-target you with ads based on your online behavior. One linchpin in the way distinct information (in this case, location) delivered to an app or website at a certain point in time is connected to information delivered to a different app or website at the next point in time is through unique identifiers such as the mobile advertising identifiers (MAIDs). Essentially, MAIDs allow advertising platforms and the data brokers they sell to to “connect the dots” between an otherwise disconnected scatterplot of points on a map, resulting in a cohesive picture of the movement of a device through space and time.

As a result of significant pushback by privacy advocates, both Android and iOS provided ways to disable advertising identifiers from being delivered to third-parties. As we described in a recent post, you can do this on Android following these steps:

With the release of Android 12, Google began allowing users to delete their ad ID permanently. On devices that have this feature enabled, you can open the Settings app and navigate to Security & Privacy > Privacy > Ads. Tap “Delete advertising ID,” then tap it again on the next page to confirm. This will prevent any app on your phone from accessing it in the future.

The Android opt out should be available to most users on Android 12, but may not be available on older versions. If you don’t see an option to “delete” your ad ID, you can use the older version of Android’s privacy controls to reset it and ask apps not to track you.

And on iOS:

Apple requires apps to ask permission before they can access your IDFA. When you install a new app, it may ask you for permission to track you.

Select “Ask App Not to Track” to deny it IDFA access.

To see which apps you have previously granted access to, go to Settings > Privacy & Security > Tracking.

In this menu, you can disable tracking for individual apps that have previously received permission. Only apps that have permission to track you will be able to access your IDFA.

You can set the “Allow apps to Request to Track” switch to the “off” position (the slider is to the left and the background is gray). This will prevent apps from asking to track in the future. If you have granted apps permission to track you in the past, this will prompt you to ask those apps to stop tracking as well. You also have the option to grant or revoke tracking access on a per-app basis.

Apple has its own targeted advertising system, separate from the third-party tracking it enables with IDFA. To disable it, navigate to Settings > Privacy > Apple Advertising and set the “Personalized Ads” switch to the “off” position to disable Apple’s ad targeting.

Audit Your Apps’ Trackers and Permissions

In general, the more apps you have, the more intractable your digital footprint becomes. A separate app you’ve downloaded for flashlight functionality may also come pre-packaged with trackers delivering your sensitive details to third-parties. That’s why it’s advisable to limit the amount of apps you download and instead use your pre-existing apps or operating system to, say, find the bathroom light switch at night. It isn't just good for your privacy: any new app you download also increases your “attack surface,” or the possible paths hackers might have to compromise your device.

We get it though. Some apps you just can’t live without. For these, you can at least audit what trackers the app communicates with and what permissions it asks for. Both Android and iOS have a page in their Settings apps where you can review permissions you've granted apps. Not all of these are only “on” or “off.” Some, like photos, location, and contacts, offer more nuanced permissions. It’s worth going through each of these to make sure you still want that app to have that permission. If not, revoke or dial back the permission. To get to these pages:

On Android: Open Settings > Privacy & Security > Privacy Controls > Permission Manager

On iPhone: Open Settings > Privacy & Security.

If you're inclined to do so, there are tricks for further research. For example, you can look up tracks in Android apps using an excellent service called Exodus Privacy. As of iOS 15, you can check on the device itself by turning on the system-level app privacy report in Settings > Privacy > App Privacy Report. From that point on, browsing to that menu will allow you to see exactly what permissions an app uses, how often it uses them, and what domains it communicates with. You can investigate any given domain by just pasting it into a search engine and seeing what’s been reported on it. Pro tip: to exclude results from that domain itself and only include what other domains say about it, many search engines like Google allow you to use the syntax


Disable Real-Time Tracking with Airplane Mode

To prevent an app from having network connectivity and sending out your location in real-time, you can put your phone into airplane mode. Although it won’t prevent an app from storing your location and delivering it to a tracker sometime later, most apps (even those filled with trackers) won’t bother with this extra complication. It is important to keep in mind that this will also prevent you from reaching out to friends and using most apps and services that you depend on. Because of these trade-offs, you likely will not want to keep Airplane Mode enabled all the time, but it may be useful when you are traveling to a particularly sensitive location.

Some apps are designed to allow you to navigate even in airplane mode. Tapping your profile picture in Google Maps will drop down a menu with Offline maps. Tapping this will allow you to draw a boundary box and pre-download an entire region, which you can do even without connectivity. As of iOS 18, you can do this on Apple Maps too: tap your profile picture, then “Offline Maps,” and “Download New Map.”

Other apps, such as Organic Maps, allow you to download large maps in advance. Since GPS itself determines your location passively (no transmissions need be sent, only received), connectivity is not needed for your device to determine its location and keep it updated on a map stored locally.

Keep in mind that you don’t need to be in airplane mode the entire time you’re navigating to a sensitive site. One strategy is to navigate to some place near your sensitive endpoint, then switch airplane mode on, and use offline maps for the last leg of the journey.

Separate Devices for Separate Purposes

Finally, you may want to bring a separate, clean device with you when you’re traveling to a sensitive location. We know this isn’t an option available to everyone. Not everyone can afford purchasing a separate device just for those times they may have heightened privacy concerns. If possible, though, this can provide some level of protection.

A separate device doesn’t necessarily mean a separate data plan: navigating offline as described in the previous step may bring you to a place you know Wi-Fi is available. It also means any persistent identifiers (such as the MAID described above) are different for this device, along with different device characteristics which won’t be tied to your normal personal smartphone. Going through this phone and keeping its apps, permissions, and browsing to an absolute minimum will avoid an instance where that random sketchy game you have on your normal device to kill time sends your location to its servers every 10 seconds.

One good (though more onerous) practice that would remove any persistent identifiers like long-lasting cookies or MAIDs is resetting your purpose-specific smartphone to factory settings after each visit to a sensitive location. Just remember to re-download your offline maps and increase your privacy settings afterwards.

Further Reading

Our own Surveillance Self-Defense site, as well as many other resources, are available to provide more guidance in protecting your digital privacy. Often, general privacy tips are applicable in protecting your location data from being divulged, as well.

The underlying situation that makes invasive tools like Locate X possible is the online advertising industry, which incentivises a massive siphoning of user data to micro-target audiences. Earlier this year, the FTC showed some appetite to pursue enforcement action against companies brokering the mobile location data of users. We applauded this enforcement, and hope it will continue into the next administration. But regulatory authorities only have the statutory mandate and ability to punish the worst examples of abuse of consumer data. A piecemeal solution is limited in its ability to protect citizens from the vast array of data brokers and advertising services profiting off of surveilling us all.

Only a federal privacy law with a strong private right of action which allows ordinary people to sue companies that broker their sensitive data, and which does not preempt states from enacting even stronger privacy protections for their own citizens, will have enough teeth to start to rein in the data broker industry. In the meantime, consumers are left to their own devices (pun not intended) in order to protect their most sensitive data, such as location. It’s up to us to protect ourselves, so let’s make it happen!

EFFecting Change: Reproductive Justice in the Digital Age

Please join EFF for the next segment of EFFecting Change, our newest livestream series, diving into topics near and dear to our hearts. 

August 28: Reproductive Justice in the Digital Age

This summer marks the two-year anniversary of the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade. Join EFF for a livestream discussion about restrictions to reproductive healthcare and the choices people seeking an abortion must face in the digital age where everything is connected, and surveillance is rampant. Learn what’s happening across the United States and how you can get involved with our panel featuring EFF Staff Technologist Daly Barnett, EFF Associate Director of Legislative Activism Hayley Tsukayama, EFF Staff Attorney Jennifer Pinsof, Director of Research and Policy at the Surveillance Resistance Lab Cynthia Conti-Cook, and community organizer Adri Perez.


October 17:
How to Protest with Privacy in Mind

Do you know what to do if you’re subjected to a search or arrest at a protest? Join EFF for a livestream discussion about how to protect your electronic devices and digital assets before, during, and after a demonstration. Learn how you can avoid confiscation or forced deletion of media, and keep your movements and associations private.


We hope you and your friends can join us live for both events! Be sure to spread the word, and share our past livestreams. Please note that all future events will be recorded for later viewing.

Check out the first segment of EFFecting Change: The U.S. Supreme Court Takes on the Internet by watching the recording on our YouTube page

Victory! Grand Jury Finds Sacramento Cops Illegally Shared Driver Data

For the past year, EFF has been sounding the alarm about police in California illegally sharing drivers' location data with anti-abortion states, putting abortion seekers and providers at risk of prosecution. We thus applaud the Sacramento County Grand Jury for hearing this call and investigating two police agencies that had been unlawfully sharing this data out-of-state.

The grand jury, a body of 19 residents charged with overseeing local government including law enforcement, released their investigative report on Wednesday. In it, they affirmed that the Sacramento County Sheriff's Office and Sacramento Police Department violated state law and "unreasonably risked" aiding the potential prosecution of "women who traveled to California to seek or receive healthcare services."

In May 2023, EFF, along with the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California and the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California, sent letters to 71 California police agencies demanding that they stop sharing automated license plate reader (ALPR) data with law enforcement agencies in other states. This sensitive location information can reveal where individuals work, live, worship, and seek medical care—including reproductive health services. Since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade with its decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, ALPR data has posed particular risks to those who seek or assist abortions that have been criminalized in their home states.

Since 2016, California law has prohibited sharing ALPR data with out-of-state or federal law enforcement agencies. Despite this, dozens of rogue California police agencies continued sharing this information with other states, even after the state's attorney general issued legal guidance in October "reminding" them to stop.

In Sacramento County, both the Sacramento County Sheriff's Office and the Sacramento Police Department have dismissed calls for them to start obeying the law. Last year, the Sheriff's Office even claimed on Twitter that EFF's concerns were part "a broader agenda to promote lawlessness and prevent criminals from being held accountable." That agency, at least, seems to have had a change of heart: The Sacramento County Grand Jury reports that, after they began investigating police practices, the Sacramento County Sheriff's Office agreed to stop sharing ALPR data with out-of-state law enforcement agencies.

The Sacramento Police Department, however, has continued to share ALPR data with out-of-state agencies. In their report, the grand jury calls for the department to comply with the California Attorney General's legal guidance. The grand jury also recommends that all Sacramento law enforcement agencies make their ALPR policies available to the public in compliance with the law.

As the grand jury's report notes, EFF and California's ACLU affiliates "were among the first" organizations to call attention to police in the state illegally sharing ALPR data. While we are glad that many police departments have since complied with our demands that they stop this practice, we remain committed to bringing attention and pressure to agencies, like the Sacramento Police Department, that have not. In January, for instance, EFF and the ACLU sent a letter urging the California Attorney General to enforce the state's ALPR laws.

For nearly a decade, EFF has been investigating and raising the alarm about the illegal mass-sharing of ALPR data by California law enforcement agencies. The grand jury's report details what is just the latest in a series of episodes in which Sacramento agencies violated the law with ALPR. In December 2018, the Sacramento County Department of Human Assistance terminated its program after public pressure resulting from EFF's revelation that the agency was accessing ALPR data in violation of the law. The next year, EFF successfully lobbied the state legislature to order an audit of four agencies, including the Sacramento County Sheriff's Office, and how they use ALPR. The result was a damning report that the sheriff had fallen short of many of the basic requirements under state law.

Two Years Post-Roe: A Better Understanding of Digital Threats

It’s been a long two years since the Dobbs decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Between May 2022 when the Supreme Court accidentally leaked the draft memo and the following June when the case was decided, there was a mad scramble to figure out what the impacts would be. Besides the obvious perils of stripping away half the country’s right to reproductive healthcare, digital surveillance and mass data collection caused a flurry of concerns.

Although many activists fighting for reproductive justice had been operating under assumptions of little to no legal protections for some time, the Dobbs decision was for most a sudden and scary revelation. Everyone implicated in that moment somewhat understood the stark difference between pre-Roe 1973 and post-Roe 2022; living under the most sophisticated surveillance apparatus in human history presents a vastly different landscape of threats. Since 2022, some suspicions have been confirmed, new threats have emerged, and overall our risk assessment has grown smarter. Below, we cover the most pressing digital dangers facing people seeking reproductive care, and ways to combat them.

Digital Evidence in Abortion-Related Court Cases: Some Examples

Social Media Message Logs

A case in Nebraska resulted in a woman, Jessica Burgess, being sentenced to two years in prison for obtaining abortion pills for her teenage daughter. Prosecutors used a Facebook Messenger chat log between Jessica and her daughter as key evidence, bolstering the concerns many had raised about using such privacy-invasive tech products for sensitive communications. At the time, Facebook Messenger did not have end-to-end encryption.

In response to criticisms about Facebook’s cooperation with law enforcement that landed a mother in prison, a Meta spokesperson issued a frustratingly laconic tweet stating that “[n]othing in the valid warrants we received from local law enforcement in early June, prior to the Supreme Court decision, mentioned abortion.” They followed this up with a short statement reiterating that the warrants did not mention abortion at all. The lesson is clear: although companies do sometimes push back against data warrants, we have to prepare for the likelihood that they won’t.

Google: Search History & Warrants

Well before the Dobbs decision, prosecutors had already used Google Search history to indict a woman for her pregnancy outcome. In this case, it was keyword searches for misoprostol (a safe and effective abortion medication) that clinched the prosecutor’s evidence against her. Google acquiesced, as it so often has, to the warrant request.

Related to this is the ongoing and extremely complicated territory of reverse keyword and geolocation warrants. Google has promised that it would remove from user profiles all location data history related to abortion clinic sites. Researchers tested this claim and it was shown to be false, twice. Late in 2023, Google made a bigger promise: it would soon change how it stores location data to make it much more difficult–if not impossible–for Google to provide mass location data in response to a geofence warrant, a change we’ve been asking Google to implement for years. This would be a genuinely helpful measure, but we’ve been conditioned to approach such claims with caution. We’ll believe it when we see it (and refer to external testing for proof).

Other Dangers to Consider


Sites propped up for doxxing healthcare professionals that offer abortion services are about as old as the internet itself. Doxxing comes in a variety of forms, but a quick and loose definition of it is the weaponization of open source intelligence with the intention of escalating to other harms. There’s been a massive increase in hate groups abusing public records requests and data broker collections to publish personal information about healthcare workers. Doxxing websites hosting such material are updated frequently. Doxxing has led to steadily rising material dangers (targeted harassment, gun violence, arson, just to name a few) for the past few years.

There are some piecemeal attempts at data protection for healthcare workers in more protective states like California (one which we’ve covered). Other states may offer some form of an address confidentiality program that provides people with proxy addresses. Though these can be effective, they are not comprehensive. Since doxxing campaigns are typically coordinated through a combination of open source intelligence tactics, it presents a particularly difficult threat to protect against. This is especially true for government and medical industry workers whose information may be subjected to exposure through public records requests.

Data Brokers

Recently, Senator Wyden’s office released a statement about a long investigation into Near Intelligence, a data broker company that sold geolocation data to The Veritas Society, an anti-choice think tank. The Veritas Society then used the geolocation data to target individuals who had traveled near healthcare clinics that offered abortion services and delivered pro-life advertisements to their devices.

That alone is a stark example of the dangers of commercial surveillance, but it’s still unclear what other ways this type of dataset could be abused. Near Intelligence has filed for bankruptcy, but they are far from the only, or the most pernicious, data broker company out there. This situation bolsters what we’ve been saying for years: the data broker industry is a dangerously unregulated mess of privacy threats that needs to be addressed. It not only contributes to the doxxing campaigns described above, but essentially creates a backdoor for warrantless surveillance.

Domestic Terrorist Threat Designation by Federal Agencies

Midway through 2023, The Intercept published an article about a tenfold increase in federal designation of abortion-rights activist groups as domestic terrorist threats. This projects a massive shadow of risk for organizers and activists at work in the struggle for reproductive justice. The digital surveillance capabilities of federal law enforcement are more sophisticated than that of typical anti-choice zealots. Most people in the abortion access movement may not have to worry about being labeled a domestic terrorist threat, though for some that is a reality, and strategizing against it is vital.

Looming Threats

Legal Threats to Medication Abortion

Last month, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments challenging the FDA’s approval of and regulations governing mifepristone, a widely available and safe abortion pill. If the anti-abortion advocates who brought this case succeed, access to the most common medication abortion regimen used in the U.S. would end across the country—even in those states where abortion rights are protected.

Access to abortion medication might also be threatened by a 150 year old obscenity law. Many people now recognize the long dormant Comstock Act as a potential avenue to criminalize procurement of the abortion pill.

Although the outcomes of these legal challenges are yet-to-be determined, it’s reasonable to prepare for the worst: if there is no longer a way to access medication abortion legally, there will be even more surveillance of the digital footprints prescribers and patients leave behind. 

Electronic Health Records Systems

Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are digital transcripts of medical information meant to be easily stored and shared between medical facilities and providers. Since abortion restrictions are now dictated on a state-by-state basis, the sharing of these records across state lines present a serious matrix of concerns.

As some academics and privacy advocates have outlined, the interoperability of EHRs can jeopardize the safety of patients when reproductive healthcare data is shared across state lines. Although the Department of Health and Human Services has proposed a new rule to help protect sensitive EHR data, it’s currently possible that data shared between EHRs can lead to the prosecution of reproductive healthcare.

The Good Stuff: Protections You Can Take

Perhaps the most frustrating aspect of what we’ve covered thus far is how much is beyond individual control. It’s completely understandable to feel powerless against these monumental threats. That said, you aren’t powerless. Much can be done to protect your digital footprint, and thus, your safety. We don’t propose reinventing the wheel when it comes to digital security and data privacy. Instead, rely on the resources that already exist and re-tool them to fit your particular needs. Here are some good places to start:

Create a Security Plan

It’s impossible, and generally unnecessary, to implement every privacy and security tactic or tool out there. What’s more important is figuring out the specific risks you face and finding the right ways to protect against them. This process takes some brainstorming around potentially scary topics, so it’s best done well before you are in any kind of crisis. Pen and paper works best. Here's a handy guide.

After you’ve answered those questions and figured out your risks, it’s time to locate the best ways to protect against them. Don’t sweat it if you’re not a highly technical person; many of the strategies we recommend can be applied in non-tech ways.

Careful Communications

Secure communication is as much a frame of mind as it is a type of tech product. When you are able to identify which aspects of your life need to be spoken about more carefully, you can then make informed decisions about who to trust with what information, and when. It’s as much about creating ground rules with others about types of communication as it is about normalizing the use of privacy technologies.

Assuming you’ve already created a security plan and identified some risks you want to protect against, begin thinking about the communication you have with others involving those things. Set some rules for how you broach those topics, where they can be discussed, and with whom. Sometimes this might look like the careful development of codewords. Sometimes it’s as easy as saying “let’s move this conversation to Signal.” Now that Signal supports usernames (so you can keep your phone number private), as well as disappearing messages, it’s an obvious tech choice for secure communication.

Compartmentalize Your Digital Activity

As mentioned above, it’s important to know when to compartmentalize sensitive communications to more secure environments. You can expand this idea to other parts of your life. For example, you can designate different web browsers for different use cases, choosing those browsers for the privacy they offer. One might offer significant convenience for day-to-day casual activities (like Chrome), whereas another is best suited for activities that require utmost privacy (like Tor).

Now apply this thought process towards what payment processors you use, what registration information you give to social media sites, what profiles you keep public versus private, how you organize your data backups, and so on. The possibilities are endless, so it’s important that you prioritize only the aspects of your life that most need protection.

Security Culture and Community Care

Both tactics mentioned above incorporate a sense of community when it comes to our privacy and security. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: privacy is a team sport. People live in communities built on trust and care for one another; your digital life is imbricated with others in the same way.

If a node on a network is compromised, it will likely implicate others on the same network. This principle of computer network security is just as applicable to social networks. Although traditional information security often builds from a paradigm of “zero trust,” we are social creatures and must work against that idea. It’s more about incorporating elements of shared trust pushing for a culture of security.

Sometimes this looks like setting standards for how information is articulated and shared within a trusted group. Sometimes it looks like choosing privacy-focused technologies to serve a community’s computing needs. The point is to normalize these types of conversations, to let others know that you’re caring for them by attending to your own digital hygiene. For example, when you ask for consent to share images that include others from a protest, you are not only pushing for a culture of security, but normalizing the process of asking for consent. This relationship of community care through data privacy hygiene is reciprocal.

Help Prevent Doxxing

As somewhat touched on above in the other dangers to consider section, doxxing can be a frustratingly difficult thing to protect against, especially when it’s public records that are being used against you. It’s worth looking into your state level voter registration records, if that information is public, and how you can request for that information to be redacted (success may vary by state).

Similarly, although business registration records are publicly available, you can appeal to websites that mirror that information (like Bizapedia) to have your personal information taken down. This is of course only a concern if you have a business registration tied to your personal address.

If you work for a business that is susceptible to public records requests revealing personal sensitive information about you, there’s little to be done to prevent it. You can, however, apply for an address confidentiality program if your state has it. You can also do the somewhat tedious work of scrubbing your personal information from other places online (since doxxing is often a combination of information resources). Consider subscribing to a service like DeleteMe (or follow a free DIY guide) for a more thorough process of minimizing your digital footprint. Collaborating with trusted allies to monitor hate forums is a smart way to unburden yourself from having to look up your own information alone. Sharing that responsibility with others makes it easier to do, as well as group planning for what to do in ways of prevention and incident response.

Take a Deep Breath

It’s natural to feel bogged down by all the thought that has to be put towards privacy and security. Again, don’t beat yourself up for feeling powerless in the face of mass surveillance. You aren’t powerless. You can protect yourself, but it’s reasonable to feel frustrated when there is no comprehensive federal data privacy legislation that would alleviate so many of these concerns.

Take a deep breath. You’re not alone in this fight. There are guides for you to learn more about stepping up your privacy and security. We've even curated a special list of them. And there is Digital Defense Fund, a digital security organization for the abortion access movement, who we are grateful and proud to boost. And though it can often feel like privacy is getting harder to protect, in many ways it’s actually improving. With all that information, as well as continuing to trust your communities, and pushing for a culture of security within them, safety is much easier to attain. With a bit of privacy, you can go back to focusing on what matters, like healthcare.

Location Data Tracks Abortion Clinic Visits. Here’s What to Know

Our concerns about the selling and misuse of location data for those seeking reproductive and gender healthcare are escalating amid a recent wave of cases and incidents demonstrating that the digital trail we leave is being used by anti-abortion activists.

The good news is some
states and tech companies are taking steps to better protect location data privacy, including information that endangers people needing or seeking information about reproductive and gender-affirming healthcare. But we know more must be done—by pharmacies, our email providers, and lawmakers—to plug gaping holes in location data protection.

Location data is
highly sensitive, as it paints a picture of our daily lives—where we go, who we visit, when we seek medical care, or what clinics we visit. That’s what makes it so attractive to data brokers and law enforcement in states outlawing abortion and gender-affirming healthcare and those seeking to exploit such data for ideological or commercial purposes.

What we’re seeing is deeply troubling. Sen. Ron
Wyden recenty disclosed that vendor Near Intelligence allegedly gathered location data of people’s visits to nearly 600 Planned Parenthood locations across 48 states, without consent. It sold that data to an anti-abortion group, which used it in a massive anti-abortion ad campaign.The Wisconsin-based group used the geofenced data to send mobile ads to people who visited the clinics.

It’s hardly a leap to imagine that law enforcement and bounty hunters in anti-abortion states would gladly buy the same data to find out who is visiting Planned Parenthood clinics and try to charge and imprison women, their families, doctors, and caregivers. That’s the real danger of an unregulated data broker industry; anyone can buy what’s gathered from warrantless surveillance, for whatever nefarious purpose they choose.

For example, police in Idaho, where abortion is illegal,
used cell phone data in an investigation against an Idaho woman and her son charged with kidnapping. The data showed that they had taken the son’s minor girlfriend to Oregon, where abortion is legal, to obtain an abortion.

The exploitation of location data is not the only problem. Information about prescription medicines we take is not protected against law enforcement requests. The nation’s eight largest pharmacy chains, including CVS, Walgreens, and Rite Aid, have routinely turned over
prescription records of thousands of Americans to law enforcement agencies or other government entities secretly without a warrant, according to a congressional inquiry.

Many people may not know that their prescription records can be obtained by law enforcement without too much trouble. There’s not much standing between someone’s self-managed abortion medication and a law enforcement records demand. In April the U.S. Health and Human Services Department proposed a
rule that would prevent healthcare providers and insurers from giving information to state officials trying to prosecute some seeking or providing a legal abortion. A final rule has not yet been published.

Exploitation of location and healthcare data to target communities could easily expand to other groups working to protect bodily autonomy, especially those most likely to suffer targeted harassment and bigotry. With states
passing and proposing bills restricting gender-affirming care and state law enforcement officials pursuing medical records of transgender youth across state lines, it’s not hard to imagine them buying or using location data to find people to prosecute.

To better protect people against police access to sensitive health information, lawmakers in a few states have taken action. In 2022, California
enacted two laws protecting abortion data privacy and preventing California companies from sharing abortion data with out-of-state entities.

Then, last September the state enacted a
shield law prohibiting California-based companies, including social media and tech companies, from disclosing patients’ private communications regarding healthcare that is legally protected in the state.

Massachusetts lawmakers have proposed the
Location Shield Act, which would prohibit the sale of cellphone location information to data brokers. The act would make it harder to trace the path of those traveling to Massachusetts for abortion services.

Of course, tech companies have a huge role to play in location data privacy. EFF was glad when Google said in 2022 it would delete users’ location history for visits to medical facilities, including abortion clinics and counseling and fertility centers. Google pledged that when the location history setting on a device was turned on, it would delete entries for particularly personal places like reproductive health clinics soon after such a visit.

But a
study by AccountableTech testing Google’s pledge said the company wasn’t living up to its promises and continued to collect and retain location data from individuals visiting abortion clinics. Accountable Tech reran the study in late 2023 and the results were again troubling—Google still retained location search query data for some visits to Planned Parenthood clinics. It appears users will have to manually delete location search history to remove information about the routes they take to visiting sensitive locations. It doesn’t happen automatically.

Late last year, Google announced
plans to move saved Timeline entries in Google Maps to users’ devices. Users who want to keep the entries could choose to back up the data to the cloud, where it would be automatically encrypted and out of reach even to Google.

These changes would
appear to make it much more difficult—if not impossible—for Google to provide mass location data in response to a geofence warrant, a change we’ve been asking Google to implement for years. But when these features are coming is uncertain—though Google said in December they’re “coming soon.”

Google should implement the changes sooner as opposed to later. In the meantime, those seeking reproductive and gender information and healthcare can
find tips on how to protect themselves in our Surveillance Self Defense guide. 

Sen. Wyden Exposes Data Brokers Selling Location Data to Anti-Abortion Groups That Target Abortion Seekers

This post was written by Jack Beck, an EFF legal intern

In a recent letter to the FTC and SEC, Sen. Ron Wyden (OR) details new information on data broker Near, which sold the location data of people seeking reproductive healthcare to anti-abortion groups. Near enabled these groups to send targeted ads promoting anti-abortion content to people who had visited Planned Parenthood and similar clinics.

In May 2023, the Wall Street Journal reported that Near was selling location data to anti-abortion groups. Specifically, the Journal found that the Veritas Society, a non-profit established by Wisconsin Right to Life, had hired ad agency Recrue Media. That agency purchased location data from Near and used it to target anti-abortion messaging at people who had sought reproductive healthcare.

The Veritas Society detailed the operation on its website (on a page that was taken down but saved by the Internet Archive) and stated that it delivered over 14 million ads to people who visited reproductive healthcare clinics. These ads appeared on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and other social media for people who had sought reproductive healthcare.

When contacted by Sen. Wyden’s investigative team, Recrue staff admitted that the agency used Near’s website to literally “draw a line” around areas their client wanted them to target. They drew these lines around reproductive health care facilities across the country, using location data purchased from Near to target visitors to 600 Planned Parenthood different locations. Sen. Wyden’s team also confirmed with Near that, until the summer of 2022, no safeguards were in place to protect the data privacy of people visiting sensitive places.

Moreover, as Sen. Wyden explains in his letter, Near was selling data to the government, though it claimed on its website to be doing no such thing. As of October 18, 2023, Sen. Wyden’s investigation found Near was still selling location data harvested from Americans without their informed consent.

Near’s invasion of our privacy shows why Congress and the states must enact privacy-first legislation that limits how corporations collect and monetize our data. We also need privacy statutes that prevent the government from sidestepping the Fourth Amendment by purchasing location information—as Sen. Wyden has proposed. Even the government admits this is a problem.  Furthermore, as Near’s misconduct illustrates, safeguards must be in place that protect people in sensitive locations from being tracked.

This isn’t the first time we’ve seen data brokers sell information that can reveal visits to abortion clinics. We need laws now to strengthen privacy protections for consumers. We thank Sen. Wyden for conducting this investigation. We also commend the FTC’s recent bar on a data broker selling sensitive location data. We hope this represents the start of a longstanding trend.
