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The Tech Apocalypse Panic is Driven by AI Boosters, Military Tacticians, and Movies

There has been a tremendous amount of hand wringing and nervousness about how so-called artificial intelligence might end up destroying the world. The fretting has only gotten worse as a result of a U.S. State Department-commissioned report on the security risk of weaponized AI.

Whether these messages come from popular films like a War Games or The Terminator, reports that in digital simulations AI supposedly favors the nuclear option more than it should, or the idea that AI could assess nuclear threats quicker than humans—all of these scenarios have one thing in common: they end with nukes (almost) being launched because a computer either had the ability to pull the trigger or convinced humans to do so by simulating imminent nuclear threat. The purported risk of AI comes not just from yielding “control" to computers, but also the ability for advanced algorithmic systems to breach cybersecurity measures or manipulate and social engineer people with realistic voice, text, images, video, or digital impersonations

But there is one easy way to avoid a lot of this and prevent a self-inflicted doomsday: don’t give computers the capability to launch devastating weapons. This means both denying algorithms ultimate decision making powers, but it also means building in protocols and safeguards so that some kind of generative AI cannot be used to impersonate or simulate the orders capable of launching attacks. It’s really simple, and we’re by far not the only (or the first) people to suggest the radical idea that we just not integrate computer decision making into many important decisions–from deciding a person’s freedom to launching first or retaliatory strikes with nuclear weapons.

First, let’s define terms. To start, I am using "Artificial Intelligence" purely for expediency and because it is the term most commonly used by vendors and government agencies to describe automated algorithmic decision making despite the fact that it is a problematic term that shields human agency from criticism. What we are talking about here is an algorithmic system, fed a tremendous amount of historical or hypothetical information, that leverages probability and context in order to choose what outcomes are expected based on the data it has been fed. It’s how training algorithmic chatbots on posts from social media resulted in the chatbot regurgitating the racist rhetoric it was trained on. It’s also how predictive policing algorithms reaffirm racially biased policing by sending police to neighborhoods where the police already patrol and where they make a majority of their arrests. From the vantage of the data it looks as if that is the only neighborhood with crime because police don’t typically arrest people in other neighborhoods. As AI expert and technologist Joy Buolamwini has said, "With the adoption of AI systems, at first I thought we were looking at a mirror, but now I believe we're looking into a kaleidoscope of distortion... Because the technologies we believe to be bringing us into the future are actually taking us back from the progress already made."

Military Tactics Shouldn’t Drive AI Use

As EFF wrote in 2018, “Militaries must make sure they don't buy into the machine learning hype while missing the warning label. There's much to be done with machine learning, but plenty of reasons to keep it away from things like target selection, fire control, and most command, control, and intelligence (C2I) roles in the near future, and perhaps beyond that too.” (You can read EFF’s whole 2018 white paper: The Cautious Path to Advantage: How Militaries Should Plan for AI here

Just like in policing, in the military there must be a compelling directive (not to mention the marketing from eager companies hoping to get rich off defense contracts) to constantly be innovating in order to claim technical superiority. But integrating technology for innovation’s sake alone creates a great risk of unforeseen danger. AI-enhanced targeting is liable to get things wrong. AI can be fooled or tricked. It can be hacked. And giving AI the power to escalate armed conflicts, especially on a global or nuclear scale, might just bring about the much-feared AI apocalypse that can be avoided just by keeping a human finger on the button.

We’ve written before about how necessary it is to ban attempts for police to arm robots (either remote controlled or autonomous) in a domestic context for the same reasons. The idea of so-called autonomy among machines and robots creates the false sense of agency–the idea that only the computer is to blame for falsely targeting the wrong person or misreading signs of incoming missiles and launching a nuclear weapon in response–obscures who is really at fault. Humans put computers in charge of making the decisions, but humans also train the programs which make the decisions.

AI Does What We Tell It To

In the words of linguist Emily Bender,  “AI” and especially its text-based applications, is a “stochastic parrot” meaning that it echoes back to us things we taught it with as “determined by random, probabilistic distribution.” In short, we give it the material it learns, it learns it, and then draws conclusions and makes decisions based on that historical dataset. If you teach an algorithmic model that 9 times out of 10 a nation will launch a retaliatory strike when missiles are fired at them–the first time that model mistakes a flock of birds for inbound missiles, that is exactly what it will do.

To that end, AI scholar Kate Crawford argues, “AI is neither artificial nor intelligent. Rather, artificial intelligence is both embodied and material, made from natural resources, fuel, human labor, infrastructures, logistics, histories, and classifications. AI systems are not autonomous, rational, or able to discern anything without extensive datasets or predefined rules and rewards. In fact, artificial intelligence as we know it depends entirely on a much wider set of political and social structures. And due to the capital required to build AI at scale and the ways of seeing that it optimizes AI systems are ultimately designed to serve existing dominant interests.” 

AI does what we teach it to. It mimics the decisions it is taught to make either through hypotheticals or historical data. This means that, yet again, we are not powerless to a coming AI doomsday. We teach AI how to operate. We give it control of escalation, weaponry, and military response. We could just not.

Governing AI Doesn’t Mean Making it More Secret–It Means Regulating Use 

Part of the recent report commissioned by the U.S. Department of State on the weaponization of AI included one troubling recommendation: making the inner workings of AI more secret. In order to keep algorithms from being tampered with or manipulated, the full report (as summarized by Time) suggests that a new governmental regulatory agency responsible for AI should criminalize and make potentially punishable by jail time publishing the inner workings of AI. This means that how AI functions in our daily lives, and how the government uses it, could never be open source and would always live inside a black box where we could never learn the datasets informing its decision making. So much of our lives is already being governed by automated decision making, from the criminal justice system to employment, to criminalize the only route for people to know how those systems are being trained seems counterproductive and wrong.

Opening up the inner workings of AI puts more eyes on how a system functions and makes it more easy, not less, to spot manipulation and tampering… not to mention it might mitigate the biases and harms that skewed training datasets create in the first place.


Machine learning and algorithmic systems are useful tools whose potential we are only just beginning to grapple withbut we have to understand what these technologies are and what they are not. They are neither “artificial” or “intelligent”they do not represent an alternate and spontaneously-occurring way of knowing independent of the human mind. People build these systems and train them to get a desired outcome. Even when outcomes from AI are unexpected, usually one can find their origins somewhere in the data systems they were trained on. Understanding this will go a long way toward responsibly shaping how and when AI is deployed, especially in a defense contract, and will hopefully alleviate some of our collective sci-fi panic.

This doesn’t mean that people won’t weaponize AIand already are in the form of political disinformation or realistic impersonation. But the solution to that is not to outlaw AI entirely, nor is it handing over the keys to a nuclear arsenal to computers. We need a common sense system that respects innovation, regulates uses rather than the technology itself, and does not let panic, AI boosters, or military tacticians dictate how and when important systems are put under autonomous control. 

Worried About AI Voice Clone Scams? Create a Family Password

31 janvier 2024 à 19:42

Your grandfather receives a call late at night from a person pretending to be you. The caller says that you are in jail or have been kidnapped and that they need money urgently to get you out of trouble. Perhaps they then bring on a fake police officer or kidnapper to heighten the tension. The money, of course, should be wired right away to an unfamiliar account at an unfamiliar bank. 

It’s a classic and common scam, and like many scams it relies on a scary, urgent scenario to override the victim’s common sense and make them more likely to send money. Now, scammers are reportedly experimenting with a way to further heighten that panic by playing a simulated recording of “your” voice. Fortunately, there’s an easy and old-school trick you can use to preempt the scammers: creating a shared verbal password with your family.

The ability to create audio deepfakes of people's voices using machine learning and just minutes of them speaking has become relatively cheap and easy to acquire technology. There are myriad websites that will let you make voice clones. Some will let you use a variety of celebrity voices to say anything they want, while others will let you upload a new person’s voice to create a voice clone of anyone you have a recording of. Scammers have figured out that they can use this to clone the voices of regular people. Suddenly your relative isn’t talking to someone who sounds like a complete stranger, they are hearing your own voice. This makes the scam much more concerning. 

Voice generation scams aren’t widespread yet, but they do seem to be happening. There have been news stories and even congressional testimony from people who have been the targets of voice impersonation scams. Voice cloning scams are also being used in political disinformation campaigns as well. It’s impossible for us to know what kind of technology these scammers used, or if they're just really good impersonations. But it is likely that the scams will grow more prevalent as the technology gets cheaper and more ubiquitous. For now, the novelty of these scams, and the use of machine learning and deepfakes, technologies which are raising concerns across many sectors of society, seems to be driving a lot of the coverage. 

The family password is a decades-old, low tech solution to this modern high tech problem. 

The first step is to agree with your family on a password you can all remember and use. The most important thing is that it should be easy to remember in a panic, hard to forget, and not public information. You could use the name of a well known person or object in your family, an inside joke, a family meme, or any word that you can all remember easily. Despite the name, this doesn't need to be limited to your family, it can be a chosen family, workplace, anarchist witch coven, etc. Any group of people with which you associate can benefit from having a password. 

Then when someone calls you or someone that trusts you (or emails or texts you) with an urgent request for money (or iTunes gift cards) you simply ask them the password. If they can’t tell it to you, then they might be a fake. You could of course further verify this with other questions,  like, “what is my cat's name” or “when was the last time we saw each other?” These sorts of questions work even if you haven’t previously set up a passphrase in your family or friend group. But keep in mind people tend to forget basic things when they have experienced trauma or are in a panic. It might be helpful, especially for   people with less robust memories, to write down the password in case you forget it. After all, it’s not likely that the scammer will break into your house to find the family password.

These techniques can be useful against other scams which haven’t been invented yet, but which may come around as deepfakes become more prevalent, such as machine-generated video or photo avatars for “proof.” Or should you ever find yourself in a hackneyed sci-fi situation where there are two identical copies of your friend and you aren’t sure which one is the evil clone and which one is the original. 

An image of spider-man pointing at another spider-man who is pointing at him. A classic meme.

Spider-man hopes The Avengers haven't forgotten their secret password!

The added benefit of this technique is that it gives you a minute to step back, breath, and engage in some critical thinking. Many scams of this nature rely on panic and keeping you in your lower brain, by asking for the passphrase you can also take a minute to think. Is your kid really in Mexico right now? Can you call them back at their phone number to be sure it’s them?  

So, go make a family password and a friend password to keep your family and friends from getting scammed by AI impostors (or evil clones).

The No AI Fraud Act Creates Way More Problems Than It Solves

19 janvier 2024 à 18:27

Creators have reason to be wary of the generative AI future. For one thing, while GenAI can be a valuable tool for creativity, it may also be used to deceive the public and disrupt existing markets for creative labor. Performers, in particular, worry that AI-generated images and music will become deceptive substitutes for human models, actors, or musicians.

Existing laws offer multiple ways for performers to address this issue. In the U.S., a majority of states recognize a “right of publicity,” meaning, the right to control if and how your likeness is used for commercial purposes. A limited version of this right makes senseyou should be able to prevent a company from running an advertisement that falsely claims that you endorse its productsbut the right of publicity has expanded well beyond its original boundaries, to potentially cover just about any speech that “evokes” a person’s identity.

In addition, every state prohibits defamation, harmful false representations, and unfair competition, though the parameters may vary. These laws provide time-tested methods to mitigate economic and emotional harms from identity misuse while protecting online expression rights.

But some performers want more. They argue that your right to control use of your image shouldn’t vary depending on what state you live in. They’d also like to be able to go after the companies that offer generative AI tools and/or host AI-generated “deceptive” content. Ordinary liability rules, including copyright, can’t be used against a company that has simply provided a tool for others’ expression. After all, we don’t hold Adobe liable when someone uses Photoshop to suggest that a president can’t read or even for more serious deceptions. And Section 230 immunizes intermediaries from liability for defamatory content posted by users and, in some parts of the country, publicity rights violations as well. Again, that’s a feature, not a bug; immunity means it’s easier to stick up for users’ speech, rather than taking down or preemptively blocking any user-generated content that might lead to litigation. It’s a crucial protection not just big players like Facebook and YouTube, but also small sites, news outlets, emails hosts, libraries, and many others.

Balancing these competing interests won’t be easy. Sadly, so far Congress isn’t trying very hard. Instead, it’s proposing “fixes” that will only create new problems.

Last fall, several Senators circulated a “discussion draft” bill, the NO FAKES Act. Professor Jennifer Rothman has an excellent analysis of the bill, including its most dangerous aspect: creating a new, and transferable, federal publicity right that would extend for 70 years past the death of the person whose image is purportedly replicated. As Rothman notes, under the law:

record companies get (and can enforce) rights to performers’ digital replicas, not just the performers themselves. This opens the door for record labels to cheaply create AI-generated performances, including by dead celebrities, and exploit this lucrative option over more costly performances by living humans, as discussed above.

In other words, if we’re trying to protect performers in the long run, just make it easier for record labels (for example) to acquire voice rights that they can use to avoid paying human performers for decades to come.

NO FAKES hasn’t gotten much traction so far, in part because the Motion Picture Association hasn’t supported it. But now there’s a new proposal: the “No AI FRAUD Act.” Unfortunately, Congress is still getting it wrong.

First, the Act purports to target abuse of generative AI to misappropriate a person’s image or voice, but the right it creates applies to an incredibly broad amount of digital content: any “likeness” and/or “voice replica” that is created or altered using digital technology, software, an algorithm, etc. There’s not much that wouldn’t fall into that categoryfrom pictures of your kid, to recordings of political events, to docudramas, parodies, political cartoons, and more. If it involved recording or portraying a human, it’s probably covered. Even more absurdly, it characterizes any tool that has a primary purpose of producing digital depictions of particular people as a “personalized cloning service.” Our iPhones are many things, but even Tim Cook would likely be surprised to know he’s selling a “cloning service.”

Second, it characterizes the new right as a form of federal intellectual property. This linguistic flourish has the practical effect of putting intermediaries that host AI-generated content squarely in the litigation crosshairs. Section 230 immunity does not apply to federal IP claims, so performers (and anyone else who falls under the statute) will have free rein to sue anyone that hosts or transmits AI-generated content.

That, in turn, is bad news for almost everyoneincluding performers. If this law were enacted, all kinds of platforms and services could very well fear reprisal simply for hosting images or depictions of people—or any of the rest of the broad types of “likenesses” this law covers. Keep in mind that many of these service won’t be in a good position to know whether AI was involved in the generation of a video clip, song, etc., nor will they have the resources to pay lawyers to fight back against improper claims. The best way for them to avoid that liability would be to aggressively filter user-generated content, or refuse to support it at all.

Third, while the term of the new right is limited to ten years after death (still quite a long time), it’s combined with very confusing language suggesting that the right could extend well beyond that date if the heirs so choose. Notably, the legislation doesn’t preempt existing state publicity rights laws, so the terms could vary even more wildly depending on where the individual (or their heirs) reside.

Lastly, while the defenders of the bill incorrectly claim it will protect free expression, the text of the bill suggests otherwise. True, the bill recognizes a “First Amendment defense.” But every law that affects speech is limited by the First Amendmentthat’s how the Constitution works. And the bill actually tries to limit those important First Amendment protections by requiring courts to balance any First Amendment interests “against the intellectual property interest in the voice or likeness.” That balancing test must consider whether the use is commercial, necessary for a “primary expressive purpose,” and harms the individual’s licensing market. This seems to be an effort to import a cramped version of copyright’s fair use doctrine as a substitute for the rigorous scrutiny and analysis the First Amendment (and even the Copyright Act) requires.

We could go on, and we will if Congress decides to take this bill seriously. But it shouldn’t. If Congress really wants to protect performers and ordinary people from deceptive or exploitative uses of their images and voice, it should take a precise, careful and practical approach that avoids potential collateral damage to free expression, competition, and innovation. The No AI FRAUD Act comes nowhere near the mark

AI Watermarking Won't Curb Disinformation

Generative AI allows people to produce piles upon piles of images and words very quickly. It would be nice if there were some way to reliably distinguish AI-generated content from human-generated content. It would help people avoid endlessly arguing with bots online, or believing what a fake image purports to show. One common proposal is that big companies should incorporate watermarks into the outputs of their AIs. For instance, this could involve taking an image and subtly changing many pixels in a way that’s undetectable to the eye but detectable to a computer program. Or it could involve swapping words for synonyms in a predictable way so that the meaning is unchanged, but a program could readily determine the text was generated by an AI.

Unfortunately, watermarking schemes are unlikely to work. So far most have proven easy to remove, and it’s likely that future schemes will have similar problems.

One kind of watermark is already common for digital images. Stock image sites often overlay text on an image that renders it mostly useless for publication. This kind of watermark is visible and is slightly challenging to remove since it requires some photo editing skills.

Images can also have metadata attached by a camera or image processing program, including information like the date, time, and location a photograph was taken, the camera settings, or the creator of an image. This metadata is unobtrusive but can be readily viewed with common programs. It’s also easily removed from a file. For instance, social media sites often automatically remove metadata when people upload images, both to prevent people from accidentally revealing their location and simply to save storage space.

A useful watermark for AI images would need two properties: 

  • It would need to continue to be detectable after an image is cropped, rotated, or edited in various ways (robustness). 
  • It couldn’t be conspicuous like the watermark on stock image samples, because the resulting images wouldn’t be of much use to anybody.

One simple technique is to manipulate the least perceptible bits of an image. For instance, to a human viewer these two squares are the same shade:

But to a computer it’s obvious that they are different by a single bit: #93c47d vs 93c57d. Each pixel of an image is represented by a certain number of bits, and some of them make more of a perceptual difference than others. By manipulating those least-important bits, a watermarking program can create a pattern that viewers won’t see, but a watermarking-detecting program will. If that pattern repeats across the whole image, the watermark is even robust to cropping. However, this method has one clear flaw: rotating or resizing the image is likely to accidentally destroy the watermark.

There are more sophisticated watermarking proposals that are robust to a wider variety of common edits. However, proposals for AI watermarking must pass a tougher challenge. They must be robust against someone who knows about the watermark and wants to eliminate it. The person who wants to remove a watermark isn’t limited to common edits, but can directly manipulate the image file. For instance, if a watermark is encoded in the least important bits of an image, someone could remove it by simply setting all the least important bits to 0, or to a random value (1 or 0), or to a value automatically predicted based on neighboring pixels. Just like adding a watermark, removing a watermark this way gives an image that looks basically identical to the original, at least to a human eye.

Coming at the problem from the opposite direction, some companies are working on ways to prove that an image came from a camera (“content authenticity”). Rather than marking AI generated images, they add metadata to camera-generated images, and use cryptographic signatures to prove the metadata is genuine. This approach is more workable than watermarking AI generated images, since there’s no incentive to remove the mark. In fact, there’s the opposite incentive: publishers would want to keep this metadata around because it helps establish that their images are “real.” But it’s still a fiendishly complicated scheme, since the chain of verifiability has to be preserved through all software used to edit photos. And most cameras will never produce this metadata, meaning that its absence can’t be used to prove a photograph is fake.

Comparing watermarking vs content authenticity, watermarking aims to identify or mark (some) fake images; content authenticity aims to identify or mark (some) real images. Neither approach is comprehensive, since most of the images on the Internet will have neither a watermark nor content authenticity metadata.

Watermarking Content authenticity
AI images Marked Unmarked
(Some) camera images Unmarked Marked
Everything else Unmarked Unmarked


Text-based Watermarks

The watermarking problem is even harder for text-based generative AI. Similar techniques can be devised. For instance, an AI could boost the probability of certain words, giving itself a subtle textual style that would go unnoticed most of the time, but could be recognized by a program with access to the list of words. This would effectively be a computer version of determining the authorship of the twelve disputed essays in The Federalist Papers by analyzing Madison’s and Hamilton’s habitual word choices.

But creating an indelible textual watermark is a much harder task than telling Hamilton from Madison, since the watermark must be robust to someone modifying the text trying to remove it. Any watermark based on word choice is likely to be defeated by some amount of rewording. That rewording could even be performed by an alternate AI, perhaps one that is less sophisticated than the one that generated the original text, but not subject to a watermarking requirement.

There’s also a problem of whether the tools to detect watermarked text are publicly available or are secret. Making detection tools publicly available gives an advantage to those who want to remove watermarking, because they can repeatedly edit their text or image until the detection tool gives an all clear. But keeping them a secret makes them dramatically less useful, because every detection request must be sent to whatever company produced the watermarking. That would potentially require people to share private communication if they wanted to check for a watermark. And it would hinder attempts by social media companies to automatically label AI-generated content at scale, since they’d have to run every post past the big AI companies.

Since text output from current AIs isn’t watermarked, services like GPTZero and TurnItIn have popped up, claiming to be able to detect AI-generated content anyhow. These detection tools are so inaccurate as to be dangerous, and have already led to false charges of plagiarism.

Lastly, if AI watermarking is to prevent disinformation campaigns sponsored by states, it’s important to keep in mind that those states can readily develop modern generative AI, and probably will in the near future. A state-sponsored disinformation campaign is unlikely to be so polite as to watermark its output.

Watermarking of AI generated content is an easy-sounding fix for the thorny problem of disinformation. And watermarks may be useful in understanding reshared content where there is no deceptive intent. But research into adversarial watermarking for AI is just beginning, and while there’s no strong reason to believe it will succeed, there are some good reasons to believe it will ultimately fail.

No Robots(.txt): How to Ask ChatGPT and Google Bard to Not Use Your Website for Training

12 décembre 2023 à 13:19

Both OpenAI and Google have released guidance for website owners who do not want the two companies using the content of their sites to train the company's large language models (LLMs). We've long been supporters of the right to scrape websites—the process of using a computer to load and read pages of a website for later analysis—as a tool for research, journalism, and archivers. We believe this practice is still lawful when collecting training data for generative AI, but the question of whether something should be illegal is different from whether it may be considered rude, gauche, or unpleasant. As norms continue to develop around what kinds of scraping and what uses of scraped data are considered acceptable, it is useful to have a tool for website operators to automatically signal their preference to crawlers. Asking OpenAI and Google (and anyone else who chooses to honor the preference) to not include scrapes of your site in its models is an easy process as long as you can access your site's file structure.

We've talked before about how these models use art for training, and the general idea and process is the same for text. Researchers have long used collections of data scraped from the internet for studies of censorship, malware, sociology, language, and other applications, including generative AI. Today, both academic and for-profit researchers collect training data for AI using bots that go out searching all over the web and “scrape up” or store the content of each site they come across. This might be used to create purely text-based tools, or a system might collect images that may be associated with certain text and try to glean connections between the words and the images during training. The end result, at least currently, is the chatbots we've seen in the form of Google Bard and ChatGPT.

It would ease many minds for other companies with similar AI products, like Anthropic, Amazon, and countless others, to announce that they'd respect similar requests.

If you do not want your website's content used for this training, you can ask the bots deployed by Google and Open AI to skip over your site. Keep in mind that this only applies to future scraping. If Google or OpenAI already have data from your site, they will not remove it. It also doesn't stop the countless other companies out there training their own LLMs, and doesn't affect anything you've posted elsewhere, like on social networks or forums. It also wouldn't stop models that are trained on large data sets of scraped websites that aren't affiliated with a specific company. For example, OpenAI's GPT-3 and Meta's LLaMa were both trained using data mostly collected from Common Crawl, an open source archive of large portions of the internet that is routinely used for important research. You can block Common Crawl, but doing so blocks the web crawler from using your data in all its data sets, many of which have nothing to do with AI.

There's no technical requirement that a bot obey your requests. Currently only Google and OpenAI who have announced that this is the way to opt-out, so other AI companies may not care about this at all, or may add their own directions for opting out. But it also doesn't block any other types of scraping that are used for research or for other means, so if you're generally in favor of scraping but uneasy with the use of your website content in a corporation's AI training set, this is one step you can take.

Before we get to the how, we need to explain what exactly you'll be editing to do this.

What's a Robots.txt?

In order to ask these companies not to scrape your site, you need to edit (or create) a file located on your website called "robots.txt." A robots.txt is a set of instructions for bots and web crawlers. Up until this point, it was mostly used to provide useful information for search engines as their bots scraped the web. If website owners want to ask a specific search engine or other bot to not scan their site, they can enter that in their robots.txt file. Bots can always choose to ignore this, but many crawling services respect the request.

This might all sound rather technical, but it's really nothing more than a small text file located in the root folder of your site, like "" Anyone can see this file on any website. For example, here's The New York Times' robots.txt, which currently blocks both ChatGPT and Bard. 

If you run your own website, you should have some way to access the file structure of that site, either through your hosting provider's web portal or FTP. You may need to comb through your provider's documentation for help figuring out how to access this folder. In most cases, your site will already have a robots.txt created, even if it's blank, but if you do need to create a file, you can do so with any plain text editor. Google has guidance for doing so here.

EFF will not be using these flags because we believe scraping is a powerful tool for research and access to information.

What to Include In Your Robots.txt to Block ChatGPT and Google Bard

With all that out of the way, here's what to include in your site's robots.txt file if you do not want ChatGPT and Google to use the contents of your site to train their generative AI models. If you want to cover the entirety of your site, add these lines to your robots.txt file:


User-agent: GPTBot

Disallow: /

Google Bard

User-agent: Google-Extended

Disallow: /

You can also narrow this down to block access to only certain folders on your site. For example, maybe you don't mind if most of the data on your site is used for training, but you have a blog that you use as a journal. You can opt out specific folders. For example, if the blog is located at, you'd use this:


User-agent: GPTBot

Disallow: /blog

Google Bard

User-agent: Google-Extended

Disallow: /blog

As mentioned above, we at EFF will not be using these flags because we believe scraping is a powerful tool for research and access to information; we want the information we’re providing to spread far and wide and to be represented in the outputs and answers provided by LLMs. Of course, individual website owners have different views for their blogs, portfolios, or whatever else you use your website for. We're in favor of means for people to express their preferences, and it would ease many minds for other companies with similar AI products, like Anthropic, Amazon, and countless others, announce that they'd respect similar requests.

To Best Serve Students, Schools Shouldn’t Try to Block Generative AI, or Use Faulty AI Detection Tools

Par : Jason Kelley
16 novembre 2023 à 15:20

Generative AI gained widespread attention earlier this year, but one group has had to reckon with it more quickly than most: educators. Teachers and school administrators have struggled with two big questions: should the use of generative AI be banned? And should a school implement new tools to detect when students have used generative AI? EFF believes the answer to both of these questions is no.

AI Detection Tools Harm Students

For decades, students have had to defend themselves from an increasing variety of invasive technology in schools—from disciplinary tech like student monitoring software, remote proctoring tools, and comprehensive learning management systems, to surveillance tech like cameras, face recognition, and other biometrics. “AI detection” software is a new generation of inaccurate and dangerous tech that’s being added to the mix.

Tools such as GPTZero and TurnItIn that use AI detection claim that they can determine (with varying levels of accuracy) whether a student’s writing was likely to have been created by a generative AI tool. But these detection tools are so inaccurate as to be dangerous, and have already led to false charges of plagiarism. As with remote proctoring, this software looks for signals that may not indicate cheating at all. For example, they are more likely to flag writing as AI-created when the word choice is fairly predictable and the sentences are less complex—and as a result, research has already shown that false positives are more frequent for some groups of students, such as non-native speakers

Instead of demonizing it, schools should help students by teaching them how this potentially useful technology works and when it’s appropriate to use it. 

There is often no source document to prove one way or another whether a student used AI in writing. As AI writing tools improve and are able to reflect all the variations of human writing, the possibility that an opposing tool will be able to detect whether AI was involved in writing with any kind of worthwhile accuracy will likely diminish. If the past is prologue, then some schools may combat the growing availability of AI for writing with greater surveillance and increasingly inaccurate disciplinary charges. Students, administrators, and teachers should fight back against this. 

If you are a student wrongly accused of using generative AI without authorization for your school work, the Washington Post has a good primer for how to respond. To protect yourself from accusations, you may also want to save your drafts, or use a document management system that does so automatically.

Bans on Generative AI Access in Schools Hurt Students

Before AI detection tools were more widely available, some of the largest districts in the country, including New York Public Schools and Los Angeles Unified, had banned access to large language model AI tools like ChatGPT outright due to cheating fears. Thankfully, many schools have since done an about face, and are beginning to see the value in teaching about them, instead. New York City Public Schools lifted its ban after only four months, and the number of schools with a policy and curriculum that includes them is growing. New York City Public School’s Chancellor wrote that the school system “will encourage and support our educators and students as they learn about and explore this game-changing technology while also creating a repository and community to share their findings across our schools.” This is the correct approach, and one that all schools should take. 

This is not an endorsement of generative AI tools, as they have plenty of problems, but outright bans only stop students from using them while physically in school—where teachers could actually explain how they work and their pros and cons—and obviously won’t stop their use the majority of the time. Instead, they will only stop students who don’t have access to the internet or a personal device outside of school from using them. 

These bans are not surprising. There is a long history of school administrators and teachers blocking the use of a new technology, especially around the internet. For decades after they became accessible to the average student,  educators argued about whether students should be allowed calculators in the classroom. Schools have banned search engines; they have banned Wikipedia—all of which have a potentially useful place in education, and one that teachers are well-positioned to explain the nuances of. If a tool is effective at creating shortcuts for students, then teachers and administrators should consider emphasizing how it works, what it can do, and, importantly, what it cannot do. (And in the case of many online tools, what data it may collect). Hopefully, schools will take a different trajectory with generative AI technology.

Artificial intelligence will likely impact students throughout their lives. The school environment  presents a good opportunity to help them understand some of the benefits and flaws of such tools. Instead of demonizing it, schools should help students by teaching them how this potentially useful technology works and when it’s appropriate to use it. 

EFF to Copyright Office: Copyright Is Indeed a Hammer, But Don’t Be Too Hasty to Nail Generative AI

Par : Kit Walsh
31 octobre 2023 à 18:13

Generative AI has sparked a great deal of hype, fear, and speculation. Courts are just beginning to analyze how traditional copyright laws apply to the creation and use of these technologies. Into this breach has stepped the United States Copyright Office with a call for comments on the interplay between copyright law and generative AI. 

Because copyright law carries draconian penalties and grants the power to swiftly take speech offline without judicial review, it is particularly important not to hastily expand its reach. And because of the imbalance in bargaining power between creators and the publishing gatekeepers with the means to commercialize their work in mass markets, trying to help creators by giving them new rights is, as EFF advisor Cory Doctorow has written, like trying to help a bullied kid by giving them more lunch money for the bully to take. Or, in the spirit of the season, like giving someone a blood transfusion and sending them home to an insatiable vampire.

In comments to the United States Copyright Office, we explained that copyright is not a helpful framework for addressing concerns about automation reducing the value of labor, about misinformation generated by AI, privacy of sensitive personal information ingested into a data set, or the desire of content industry players to monopolize any expression that is reminiscent of or stylistically similar to the work of an artist whose rights they own. We explained that it would be harmful to expression to grant such a monopoly – through changes to copyright or a new federal right.

We believe that existing copyright law is sufficiently flexible to answer questions about generative AI and that it is premature to legislate without knowing how courts will apply existing law or whether the hypes, fears, and speculations surrounding generative AI will come to be. 
